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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. From e background i can c u got nice collection of dwaft angel... Ups for ur sale bro...
  2. Lemon, i loike e 2nd pic... Jus like rustyflame.. Each has its own beauty... Can pm me wher can i source tis fish bro... 
  3. Zoas garden done. Sps garden done. Next??? 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. cool guy

      cool guy

      I jus use a screwdriver n hammer. some poly might die off. But giv it time, it will grow back. Infact i stil got 2frag of acan which i frag 2mths back.

    3. Copperband


      algae garden....oops

    4. cool guy

      cool guy

      Lol... 

  4. Bro lemon n me hav gd build up relation. Guess wat he had say does not bother me at all. Jus like myself. I dun really interested in butterfly but he does. So ther no issue between me n him. Cheers bro... Lets be cool n enjoy reefing... 
  5. Ya rustyflame. I got urs which is flame rusty flame n 2 more which is rusty rusty flame. All 3 hav neva chase my golden angel or other fishes. But they do chase each other(rustyflame). More like play catching... Lol However i like ur rare singapore angel... If spotted again, do call me ya... 
  6. Bro digiman, its black tang la... Not gems tang.. Lol!!! 
  7. I dunno y u all say rusty is an aggresive fish. Ive a golden n 3rusty flame angel. So far no issue except minor chasing between e rusty. No damage done however... 
  8. U don like wrasse meh? Can try add some rare wrasses... Btw ur taste is beyond my reach... All ex fishes...  Keep it up bro... 
  9. Wah!!! Cool bro... Next is gems tang follow by clarion angel... 
  10. Update on ur new fishes la bro.... Should name ur tank, $$$ tank... 
  11. Nice fishes n tank bro... Will always be an inspiration to me...
  12. Thanx for all e compliment bros... So far only 1 bro offer me his blue zoas. Stil lookin for 3 to 4 frag more... 
  13. Thanx for e compliment bro... 
  14. Lookin for cheap2 blue zoas to color up my zoas garden below...  Pic will be prefer...
  15. Wow!!! I mus be honour to be e only one tat watch tat vid... Exclusive... Lol
  16. For multicolor u can get from irwana, sealife or lck. For juv africanus, it is very rare to get it. I only saw once at lck. Btw africanus is a seasonal fish. Meaning tat it will only be avail when ther is a season of africanus angel... Usually it will be adult afticanus...
  17. Nice tank. Jus to share my experience wit baby regal angel. Bought 2pc from ah beng. Very small size. Guess like urs. Put both in beta box n they don seem to eat anythin. So i let it out into my main tank. Few month later they grow big. Big enough to eat pallet. Guess when they r stil small, they eat on algae n diatoms in my tank n little big of mysis. Jus my experience bro... Cheers... 
  18. First pic is juv aficanus angel... $100 to $250 dependin on size. Second pic is miltucolor angel... $90 to $150...
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