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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Somethin unique bout tat bellus angel... I like e face... 
  2. Relax bro... She jua start to learn how to crawl but u ask her to run. Lol!!!  Gd luck for ur tank. But if really wan to hav a wave effect, get a bigger tank lor... 
  3. Guess e Price is abit turn off... Reduce All to $35 per frag.  Ups... 
  4. Close up view on e first zoas. Frag n Mother colony...
  5.  bro u sure u wanna use mp 10 for ur iq5 tank???
  6. Ya lor. Another idea is sell away ur koi's n make ur pond into a frag station. Grow ur sps n zoas inside... Hehehe...
  7. Fisrt pic is from my tank. 2nd pic is from e net. N 3rd pic is from my tank. Cannot capture e blue... So refer on e 2nd pic... Thanx...
  8. I got 2 type of blue zoas for sale. Tis is my exotic collection n wanna share wit others. 3 frag of blue center wit yellowish skirting for $40 each. Bout 9 frag of cool blue. It look 90% like blue hornet. Jus tat e skirting is brown color. Letting go for $50 each. All zoas is 2 poly or more. So its fcfs basis. So better come fast to get frag tat has more then 2poly... Collection will be at tamp s520831.
  9. Nice tank bro... Don keep angel. Keep fairy wrasse n zoas...  Im sure it gonna look spectacular... 
  10. Nice... Stil got space for more gems... 
  11. Tis butterfly look cool to me...  Chaetodon aureofasciatus 
  12. Wanna collect all e hornet zoas. Purple hornet: check. Blue hornet: check. Red hornet: still looking.... 

  13. How much is yellow zoas n is Skittles zoas $28 for 3poly or $28per poly... Can pm me bro... Thanx...
  14. Ur tank look nicer n nicer. Look more colorful. Add more color bro. Get some red mushroom, blue clam n luminous green hammer... 
  15. Yo bro. Im interested... Can sms me @93228832...
  16. Setting up a frag tank??? Wat item i need to use??? Hmmm???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cedricang


      Lol...To form a mrt train shape frag tank ?

    3. peacemaker


      The "seats" of the train could be frag plugs. :oP On a more serious note, I wouldn't keep snails, hermits, shrimp, or anything that could knock yr frags over in the frag tank. Sea hare would be the only exception.

    4. cool guy

      cool guy

      Lol... Thanx guy...

  17. Nice drawing bro... Will be camping here... 
  18. Look like an athias to me bro... But not sure wat anthias. From my knowledge, anthias is not an easy fish to keep n some r difficult to get it eat. U can try google n read on anthias. All e best bro... 
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