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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Come n visit my tank. Im more then hapi to teach u on zoas keeping. Wher do u stay bro?
  2. I take e last pakage..  Pm u e detail...
  3. Mus visit ur hs one day... Sun u free... I be at wdld...
  4. Jus a reminder bro. Coral can stock many but fishes u need to go slow bro... U do not wan an itch outbreak happen in ur tank ya... 
  5. Ups for ur lovely zoas... Tats jade zoas is awesome!!! E pix don do justice. Its more nicer if c in person. Ups for ur sale bro... 
  6. ... Nice n gd catch bro. Agree wit lemon. Ur johnsoni is super nice... E color is brighter. Must catch up wit u soon to hunt for rare fish. Currently on coral hunting for next yr big project... 
  7. Something caught my eyes!!! Sms u liao... 
  8. Is e tube stil avail? Im stayin at tamp blk 831. Can collect latest by tomolo mornin...
  9. Wah gd price man!!! Ups for ur skimmer... 
  10. Yup... Got it from bro fuel... It was long time ago... Too bad i didnt take gd care of it. Now waiting for bro fuel to breed it for me again... 
  11. Lemon!!!! Ur r killing me by posting tat awesome eightline flasher!!! 
  12. No worries bro. As time comeby, i will sell some of my collection. As for now, im not selling anythin anymore coz im preparing for aquarama. Must let my zoas grow n grow. 
  13. If don resize then people can c e ugly side of my tank... Lol!!!
  14. Had to bro... But will plant a better tree... Lol
  15. Thanx... Will be getting more from u... 
  16. Will be doin a major rescape... So stay tune for e latest update... 
  17. Well, tis does not discourage me from getting back to keep coral. Wit lots of reading n gain knowledge from our bros here, i manage to setup a proper reeftank... Here r e pic of my current tank...
  18. Again without proper equip n knowledge, e ric melt n i decomm e tank. Those 3dottyback r exclusively breed by bro fuel. Miss those dottyback.  Bro fuel, plz breed them again!!! 
  19. Here r e pic of my IQ3 tank... 
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