Oooo.... nice...
90% of it i hav liao... Will let other reefer hav e chance to grab tis great deal...
Ups for tis awesome zooooaaassss sale!!!!!
Bro kenny, jus pm me if u wanna make a date wit my tank. Hehe
Bro luc t, can join bro kenny too. Get an idea on wat equip to get.
No need to get ex stuff. Unless u earn 10k per mth
Bro... Check e fuse. If e fuse burn out, jus get a new fuse which cost less then a dollar.
Tats wat happen to me. Lucky someone remind me to check e fuse. Jus change it for 40cent n my chiller bk in operation...
Nice fish. Hopefully u don pay a bomb for it. Irene do bring in tis fish n it cost 4 small purple note.
Tink its from philipine rite. Wait til u c e vanuatu variation...