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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Nice!!! Gd job bro... 
  2. Red Serosa Dottyback (Pseudoplesiops typus) Look very feminine... Lol
  3. Tis one very healthy bandit. Really eat pallet. Saw it before...  Ups for ur sale bro... 
  4. My best bet for e id is Dreams Zoas. Name after dreamlovers. Lol Coz it gonna be a dream zoas to get for those who lost e id contest n also e bidding.  So dr ang, i win hor. Guess my ans is e best for e zoas. 
  5. Lol!!!  We will c how it progress in e future... Wil update fts every 1mth... 
  6. My main aim is something else... TOTM is still far for me... Lol
  7. Thanx bro... Ur welcum to come once ur tank r ready... 
  8. Haha... Don like tat say bro. U make me blush...  Ther r some other tank tat will really2 make u high til u feel like swimmin inside e tank. 
  9. Gonna check my randall's anthias tomolo... C if its yellow... 
  10. Y neva infd me. Told u im lookin for it...  Plz infd me if avail again ya. Thanx... 
  11. Plz update me if available k. Don mind if it is small... 
  12.  When wil irwana of cf bringing in tis fish again. One of my wanted list wrasse... 
  13. Get a new tank bro. Bro lemon is sellin his tank. Its quite cheap for tat kind of tank. U can consider it bro.
  14. Thanx bro. Btw wher got gems zoas... 
  15. Thanx bro. Btw ive to thanx u alot. Without u helping, i could not hav achieve to tis stage... 
  16. Wat kind of clown fish u hav for trading? A pic will help bro. 
  17. For coral like zoas n sps, best is bro cedricang. But ther r also some other bro tat sell frag. Look out on pasar malam thread... Cheers bro... 
  18. Thanx bro... Here we go... FTS...
  19. Wow!!! Nice bro....  Ups for ur sale... 
  20. Bro cfoh, u got sharp eye. Was about to post it today. Jus got it 2days ago. So still not sure if it can survive on me. I jus givin it a try. Here r e pic...
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