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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. anybody hav experince keeping king angel... wanna share bout it...
  2. no problem... even tout it is ex but i heard tat king is hardy... so i don mind bout e price... i wanna gettin one soon... now stil searchin for e king... anyone noe wher king is avail...
  3. nice fish bro... ups for u... i hav it too...
  4. can u spot all e fishes inside... asfur, majestic,blue face, koran, french, golden, solar wrasse, pair percular clown, marine beta n trigger fish. only my flame n grey pumo cant been seen... diff to take a pic of them... any comment bro...
  5. sori bro... im new here... don get wat was ur ques...
  6. any pic bro... i got wan... wanna get another one... wanna try to pair it...
  7. coming soon bro... now takin e pic... but its diffucult to take e shot ar... hehehe... try to get it done by tis weekend....
  8. thanx for all those who hav pm me... sori if i cant rply to all ur msg...it jus too many... anyway e fish is sold...
  9. only be with for about a month... sori bro no camera ar....
  10. im sellin off my blue face for 40 as it keep chassin after my french angel... interested plz pm me...
  11. finally i got my fishes... yahoo..... majestic angel blue face angel asfur angel flame angel a pair of golden angel french angel(favourite) koran angel marine beta a pair of percular clown a pair of solar wrasse grey pumo angel pic comin up soon....
  12. ya ya ya... nice tank indeed... keep it up bro....
  13. mine is only 3 feet tank... so i guess its not advisable for me to keep all is it evan tout all e fish r juv....
  14. hi im new here... i intend to keep tis few angel together : king angel queen angel french angel majestic angel flame angel any advise for me.....
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