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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. is tis consider rare.... i wan tis fish.... DARK BLUE MIDNIGHT PYGMY ANGEL
  2. nice fish bro... one of my dream fish. pray hard i win 4d tis wed.... LOL!!!! then can get ur fish... unless can pay installment... hehehe... ups for u bro....
  3. nice... i wan... lemon if u saw tis fish do cal me hor... don tel terry... LOL!!!!
  4. yeah... another IQ3 tank... nice set up bro...
  5. another solution is to get e IQ3 tank... no need skimmer. jus change water every week... cheer up bro... thers always a solution to every problem...
  6. ya nice clarkiis.... should hav get it from bro fuel e other day... btw ur tank look great bro... sweet.... cant wait for it to fill up to e max... LOL....
  7. wil head down to irwana tomolo early mornin n get both wrasse... Btw wat time does irwana open?
  8. Ah beng got very beautiful n elegant female king angel. Only got 1pc. Saw a couple of scribble and majestic and also white belly regal angel..
  9. did someone cal up my name... lol... nice tank bro... cool....
  10. thanx for ur coral bro... wil post pic at my nano tank thread in few day time....
  11. hi... would like to order 1set... mind pm me e price... tq...
  12. Anymore things go bonkers or break down den I going to kill myself
  13. maybe u should come over my place n c e dottyback urself... then u will appriciate its beauty... e blue is so amazing...
  14. wow....cool man.... can post ur fts....
  15. nope... Bro fuel r without e black markin on e body....
  16. QUESTIONS: how come my corals seems to be doing very well but fishes aren't? every 5 fishes i add in 4 will pass on within 2-3days... anyway to find out the cause?? i prefer having some fishes leh... so far the longest lasting one is my female leopard wrasse, the damsels are doing fine, 1 mandarin enjoying him/herself and a few others... clowns all completely dead together with anthias, tangs & angels maybe inside ur tank got serial killer....
  17. nice tank bro.... cool...... add some wrasse wil be nicer.... correct hor bro lemon....
  18. i believe ML hav stock... cal henry to confirm....
  19. if ur able to make another hybrid on neon goby, i wil be ur fisrt buyer... lol.....
  20. nice zoas collection u got ther bro....cool.......
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