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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Should not be a problem... Btw how big is ur tank bro?
  2. Hi bro... Wher is e location?
  3. I like tis fish too... E other time cf hav it rite. But no time to get. Terry if u spot tis fish, do msg me ya... Tq....
  4. lemon, isnt tis is a girdled wrasse. Cos mine look like e 3rd pic...
  5. Updated on other forum tat SL hav yellow tang, deep purple tang, powder blue tang, queen angel, french angel n blue face angel... Tats all it says.
  6. Went ther yest... Nothing much bro... Wat u looking for?
  7. Interested in e 4 medium rics... Wher to collect bro?
  8. Then u need to use ur bionic eye to c it come out in e darkness... Any bro can help our frenz here....
  9. Off ur light n use a small torch light. Once u saw it swimming out try to net it out...
  10. Oh ya. Those lookin for nice zoas, can go to jireh. Plenty to choose from. Price range from $25 to $65... Cheers.....
  11. Yo bro... Ah beng at pasir ris always hav stock of diff kind of lion fish... Hope tis help... Cheers
  12. Bro u got to get rid of it before it multiply... Its a pest inside a marine tank....
  13. Interested in ur skimmer... Can sms me at 93228832...
  14. Lck stil hav e hooded wrasse, scribble angel, king angel, queen angel, personifer angel n laboutei wrasse....
  15. Got pic of ur skimmer? My frenz might be interested....
  16. Interested in ur liverock... Can pm me e price... Wil be able to collect tomolo...
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