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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Any pic bro. My frenz might be interested... Btw can it support a 3feet tank?
  2. Nice king n queen bro... But they look kinda thin... Mus feed them many2... cheers....
  3. Stocklist from Vanuatu Sunburst Anthias Purple queen Eightline wrasse Purple basslet (pseudochromis porphyreus) Vanuatu broken-bars regal angel (collector's fabourite) DEEPWATER coral beauty (golden) Fusiler anthias Mimic tang (blue eyes - mimic lemon peel angel) Equisite wrasse Vanuatu Flasher wrasse:yahoo: Laboutei Hooded fairy wrasse Stigmaticus blenny Pearl Wrasse Blue Leopard Red leopard Red Coris Pyleki fairy wrasse Flame basslet Scotts fairy wrasse Lime wrasse Ruby fairy wrasse Vanuatu white-BAR mystery wrasse Yellow goat Vanuatu Moorish idol .. Tomolo at irwana....
  4. Hi bro... interested in ur black tub....
  5. Wow... Nice angel.... R e rest for sale too?
  6. Is it a male or female. If male im interested.... Male wit white fin. Female yellow fin.
  7. Majestic u can get it at ah beng... As for french, its either u get from sealife or lck.... Cheers:)
  8. Hi bro. Im not an expert. But jus to share... Maybe u can list down e angel fish which u wanna keep. Maybe i can tell u which is to go in first. My tank is e same size as yours. Ive got bluering, majestic, asfur, blueface, regal, coralbeauty, king, blue, earspot, scribble, french, queen, africanus n rockbeauty angel. They do chase each other time to time. But not so serious...
  9. Thanx lemon.... will read up more on bandit... gonna giv it a a pass then... currently my bluering is the king now... any new fish he wil whack first...
  10. nice bandit... my tank got majestic, blue face, asfur, bluering, king, queen, townsend, french, earspot, scribble, coral beauty, regal, africanus angel. do u tink i can still add the bandit angel? will it get stress n stop eating?
  12. yo lemon. Im looking for tis orangeback wrasse too. Last time harlequin use to bring in once. I remember i get 1 for terry also. From my knowledge, no other lfs bring in before... Can try ask steve to bring it in....
  13. Lemon, any idea wat time is phillipine shipment at ah beng?
  14. Wat is long tail Wrasse n Red striped tigar Wrasse? Any pic to show?
  15. Thanx bro... If i can get both feeding, wil pass u 1...
  16. Ah beng got bali shipment... 2 colini angel came in but i took liao...
  17. Interested... Wher to deal? Can sms me at 93228832 naz...
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