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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. was saving money to get clarion angel... now hav to use it to get the 3 fishes back... really x3 down... tis 3 are my fav fish....
  2. nope... my list are as follow.... bluering angel majestic angel blueface angel asfur angel king angel townsend angel earspot angel french angel regal angel lamark angel coral beauty angel naso tang vlangi tang wrasses x 8 spotted cardinal x10 clown fish x6 marine betta green mandarin dottyback from bro fuel x5 algae blenny tats all tat i can remember...
  3. my tank is 4 x 2.5 x 2... im using a resun 650 chiller and set at 26 to 28...
  4. My last fish was scribble angel from lck during their scribble shipment. my water change was done on 01/11/2010. i feed my fish with mysis n NLS pellet.
  5. Jus came back from werk at 4am n found my queen, africanus n scribble angel floating. No visible injury. Before im off to werk in e afternoon, all the fish was eating normally... No sign of any sickness. Any bro can explain? Dun tink of my water quality coz my others diffucult fish still around... Im so sad... :(
  7. Thanx bro... Really hope will be able to c e niger angel in e future...
  8. Lemon, u got any pic of niger angelfish? I saw at glassbox design. I dunno how to cut n paste. It look cool. From japan. I tink terry will love it... Lol...
  9. Got pic of ur wrasses? Im interested....
  10. interested... got any pic? and can be specific wat wrasse and tang bro... coz don wan to hav e same fishes tat i already hav. thanx...
  11. yes he did.... got it when he decom his tank due to moving house... ups for e rics...
  12. Thanx bro thomas... Im sori i cant maintain its true color. Wil keep it if nobody wan n maybe get a better light...
  13. Ops.... Typo error... Should be $400... Wil post pic tomolo... Or can look at my nano iq3 tank thread... Sell as whole lots... No individual... Thanx... Cheers....
  14. Hi i got 16 rics on one piece of liverock. Some hav more then 2 mouth. Color r blue, green, yellow, orange.... Not doin well in my tank(color faded) coz of not enough light. Letting go for $450 fix.... Collection at tampines.... Cheers....
  15. Its been a long time since i saw tis fish. Aquamarin use to bring in...
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