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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Spotted tis fishes at lck Goldflake x2 Queen angel x many Emperor angel x4 Bluering angel x4 Africanus x6 King x1 Yellow tang x many AT x1 Flame hawk, royal gamma, pletinum clown hav many... Tats all i could remember...
  2. Fighting sure will happen bro... Even worse is tat, im 99.99% itch outbreak will happen... U will need to worry more bout itch then fighting.... All e best bro... But if u got uv light n ur fish is fat n healthy, then u hav lesser to worry. As they will fight off the itch.
  3. Yo bro... Ive already pm u my no. Did u receive it bro?
  4. Jus to share wit u... I dunno bout torch n true octopus... My angel do eat mushroom when people say angel don eat mushroom... My tank is fowlr. Wanted to add mushroom. So when to ah beng shop n get a rock of blue mushroom cost $5. First day was ok. Second day, to my surprise mushroom all gone. So i guess better not to add angels fish if ur keepin coral... Especially big angel like queen n french... Maybe u can try dwaft angel...
  5. Guess u must concern on what wrasse u intend to keep rather then other fish. Coz certain wrasse are aggresive with other wrasse. Must plan properly on what wrasse to add first... Cheers bro...
  6. wow!!! nice tang... hmmm... no money... if not sure to get it...
  7. When e sun coral flooded ur tank, it will be cool bro... Post pic plz... But when too many sun in ur tank, ur tank will be HOT... Lol
  8. Even in the day, the sea is also dark when u dive deeper... Lol.... Its not necessery to hav moonlight... Its jus an extra ting tat u wan for ur tank.
  9. Oh ya. One more ting. R u in hurry to get the AT? If not, for next 1mth, feed ur existing fishes wit food soak wit garlic. Make their immune system stronger. So when u add ur AT n when there is a itch outbreak, ur existing fishes will be strong enough to fight the itch. Actually, i more concern of the itch then the fighting of fishes. Coz fish fight can easily sort out rather then itch outbreak... Gd luck bro... N if u got money, can buy bro orsony triplet AT... Cool....
  10. should not be a problem... since ur blue tang is small... try get an AT tats bigger the ur blue tang. as for AB tang, i dont tink it is aggressive... but watch out for itch outbreak as AT is prone to itch...
  11. can i join the photo taking session too... hehehe....
  12. Omg... Been waiting for e juv africanus... Anyone can help me to get... Bz wit werk tis week n got no time to go to lck... Arrggg....
  13. Learn somethin new here.. Warm water mean no itch? Thanx...
  14. Yes its best if u can introduce at the same time... But watch for ur pbt. Its an itch magnet. N ur tank is still new. Not yet mature. Itch will definately occur. Gd luck bro... Btw do u hav a uv light. If not, better to hav one... Gd luck. Cheers...
  15. Ahakz... In e future if u intend to sell the house, mus cal pest buster first... Hehe...
  16. Wow... Didnt noe tat u r also an exotic lover... Im once keep exotic pet until my juv boa python escape n sleep beside my mum... She was shock n fall sick for almost 1mth. Since then i stop keeping tis animal....
  17. nice AT... ups for ur sale bro...
  18. thanx lemon... ya i got it from ah beng. i bought 1 male N 1 female. but he don like e female n keep chasing like hell... in the end the female was given away to my brother. but now when i add bro mike belle angel, he seem to like it. it didnt chase but follow her wherever she go. when my powderblue tang chase miss belle, mr lamark protect it by chasing the powderblue tang away... its interesting to watch...
  19. here is the pic requested by bro mike... my male lamark angel seem to be interested with miss belle... hehehe...
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