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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Hi bro... Im interested... Wher to collect? Can sms me at 93228832 naz...
  2. Hi bro. Ive got a 2feet cube tank. But u will need a sump tank. Coz e tank is an ios tank. Thers a hole below. Collection will be at tampines. Anything jus sms me at 93228832 naz...
  3. Both item reserved... Thanx for those who show interest...
  4. Chiller reserved... Ups for e skimmer!!!!
  5. i got a bm nac 3.5 for $70 n resun 650 for $150. Condition of skimmer 9/10 Condition of chiller 8/10 (side handle broke liao) Not for fussy buyer. Take both for $200. Deal at tampines. Prefer tis wkend. Cheers
  6. Hi bro. I got few frag of orange acan... Can sms me at 9322 8832. Collection wil be at tampines...
  7. Nice tuxedo bro... Mine die today...
  8. Nice bro... Hopefully can stil get e wrasse n damsel tomolo...
  9. Aiya... Take part for e fun of it n gain experience mah... Must be positive bro... Hehe...
  10. Bro, i tink ur tank can take part in e aquarama competition...
  11. Nice pic... Cant wait to go tis sat.... Make me wanna take part in e competition for e next aquarama... Ahakz...
  12. Thanx bro... Wil sms u tomolo. Maybe i collect it tis weekend...
  13. No problem bro... Btw e fish look kinda huge... Don tink my 2.5 ft cube tank can hold e fish...
  14. Anythin left bro? Btw ups for u... Will be comin ur place soon to raid ur other coral... Hehe
  15. Nice... Ups for ur sale bro... Cant wait to get my zoas frag next week...
  16. wanna loan at least 3 to 4 ft blue tub. Proberbly for 2weeks... Wanna do rescape... Thanx...
  17. Nice clean tank n sump tank...
  18. Awesom tank bro!!! Nice!!!! Love e Moon goby.... Cool.....
  19. Ayo bro... Frenz2 must tel mah... Don like tat lei!!! Hehehe... Giv clue lor...
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