No need to be sori bro. Not ur fault.
I believe ur anthis will survive bro. Hav faith in urself. As for ur F flame angel, send her to rehab center.... Lol!!!
Ive been using nsw from irwana. So far so gd. My coral r growin n my fish r fat. Lol...
Maybe u can ask bro digiman how to motivate u. He is an experience reefer.
How he overcome his sadness when he lost his ex n rare fishes.
Bro. Don be dishearten. Move on. Dun giv up. Concentrate on ur coral. Stop buyin powder serie tang for now. Once ur tank is stable n u learn n gain expirience, u can alway get ur pbt back. Cheers bro...
Bro wisdom_tooth n bro snefer. Thanx for ur interest. Currently all r reserve. Will let u noe if any of them back out or maybe i try to frag 2 more for both of u over e wkend. Will keep both of u updated ya... Plz pm me ur no so tat i can sms u once its avail again ya... Cheers...
6 frag collected by nice bros. Hopefully u all r happy wit ur purchase.
Left 4 frag n r reserve for collection tomolo nite. As ive receive many pm, it will be fcfs basic.
They are : wedgee
Will update if any of them back out...
Ive 9 frag of eagle eye zoas for cheap2 $10 per frag only. Collection will be at tamp.
Some frag come with green zoas. All frag have more then 10poly...
Peppermint, blackspot pygmy n kinji angel will only be my dream fish!!!
Hopefully e groucho angel will not be too ex over at lck...
Lemon n digi, plz let me hav tat groucho angel when its avail. Both ur tank got too many rare fish liao... Lol!!!!