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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Any angel in ur tank? Or is e coral place in a direct flow from e wavemaker?
  2. Rhoatic mushroom, rics n yumas, which is e easiest to keep...
  3. Another factor people decom is tat when e tank crash... Jus imaging after 2 or 3 or more years of hard work go down e drain in jus 2 or 3days...
  4. Nice n neat set up... When will it be my turn... 
  5. My opinion if u intend to keep other small angel, ur flame n coral beauty should not be set free first... 
  6. Yup... Agree wit everyone... Nice reef tank... 
  7. I feel like wanna scrap my tank n do like urs... But tink back again, i love zoas more... Lol But really bro, ur tank is superbly nice... 
  8. Nice bro... Keep e pic comin... 
  9. Guess his next fish wil be a hareem of rusty flame, then bandit n last clarion... 
  10. Sori to hear for ur lost bro. E first pic of e female show how sad she is... Need to get a new partner fast before e male change to female bro...
  11. Any idea wat fish is tis? It look cool if keep in a group of 10pc...
  12. Pic bro? Kinda keen on it... Or u can mms me e photo at 93228832... Thanx...
  13. Believe its from lck... Nice exotic eel bro... Ups for u... 
  14. Wah so fast u bid $20... K A n B $21 each... 
  15. Agree wit bro dnsfpl... He is fast n furious... Maybe u should change ur nick.... Lcf FNF instead of lcf425  Ur pocket very deep hor. Can help me buy e johnsoni pair at CF n i pay u back 3mth installment... LOL 
  16. Nice conspic bro... Seems like ur other fish does not bother wit it. So y e need of selli ur other fishes... 
  17.  fall in love wit ur tank bro.... 
  18. Ups for ur sale bro... Btw ur sps r doin great. Anymore nice spare sps for me to try... Lol
  19. Maybe ur white ant is pod or isopod if im not wrong...
  20. I wan tat fisheri x potter hybrid!!!!  Btw bro digi, can u pm me e price for tat Prognathodes Aculeatus at CF... 
  21. Tats rustyflame is e exact pattern tat t95 hav recently. Would hav got it if not becoz of ...... 
  22. Cool tank n nice fishes u hav ther bro... Y not add a few more mini tree rockscape... 
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