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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Can c ur fishes has gain weight... Lol Btw wher ur BT? N how is e goldflake bro?
  2. She was rolled over by 2 vehicle. E lorry driver is another idiot!!! How can he didnt c e child lying ther!!! Omg!!! It really make me not a cool person anymore...  I really pray hard n hope for miracle tat e child will survive n be normal child again. 
  3. Omg!!! Dun they hav brain or wat!!!! Is e child survive? 
  4. It look like a candycane to me bro... Hopefully im not wrong... 
  5. E stomach look sunken bro... Feed it more to make it fat2... 
  6.  thanx bro... 
  7. Thanx bro mike... Wil let u noe when i be free to go down ur place... 
  8. If buy also Put wher... Need a very big tank... 
  9. Jus imagine if we could own Chaetodontoplus Niger n blackspot angel... Wow!!! Can stop buyin other fish liao... 
  10. Lol...  But if u compare e price, e price of ur 3fish can easily get a better n nicer zoas...
  11. Thanx bro... Will do a close up pic when im free. Btw i got no camera. Will jus be using iphone 4. Lol
  12. Thanx bro. But my zoas stil cannot compare to ur conspic, bandit n black tang... 
  13. Thanx bro... Don be jealous la. U can always do e same... Need any help juz pm me... 
  14. My sps garden. nothin rare or special... Jus wanna share...
  15. Bro yellowtang, can my zoas join ur smilling n happy zoas...  Here we go!!!  Front n top view...
  16. A cheap n normal fish but wit a unique top fin... Mandarin goby... î…
  17. Wow 9 tang live peacefully...  AT PBT Black Tang Yellow Tang Purple Tang Blue Tang ABT Tomini Tang Keyhole Tang Hopefully im correct... 
  18. My pair thiellei now on oversea... They go for a long honeymoon... Dunno when they wil be bk. But if i miss them, i can always visit them... Lol!!! 
  19. Wont it be nice if all e black part is blue n e blue part is yellow... 
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