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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Another trick is u hav to be lucky lor... Lol... 
  2. Even wit a healthy fish, n u didnt noe e trick, it wil not survive. E trick is to introduce tis fishes first. Let it settle for 1mth before introduce any other fish. Tats wat i did to my golden angel. Til now its not feedin but stil fat. Dunno wat it eat. Even my trio rustyflames don dare to bully him...
  3. Ups for your sale bro.... My tank(touch wood) got no aiptasia... If got sure buy from u... 
  4. Bad news: found my roseafacia wrasse on the floor... 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. peacemaker


      Erm... how bout solving the root cause of the problem first before considering new fishes? Perhaps some form of cover or netting over the tank top?

    3. cool guy

      cool guy

      Yup... Thanx for e advise bro... Workin on it..

    4. peacemaker


      I need one too... thinking of getting an acrylic cover from Dama. Wonder if we do a bulk order, will it be cheaper? Then again, we have different tank sizes and requirements.

  5. Gd news: my rustyflame jus starting to spawn... 

  6. Omg.... I die peacefully if i can get tis hybrid fish... 
  7. Special offer!!!! All for $100 only... If can clear by tis comin sun... Sms me at 9322 8832 for fast deal.... Ups...
  8. Price reduce to $150 for tank, sump n chengai stand... Ups... 
  9. Lol...  Btw ups for my remaining zoas...
  10. Tats a nice hybrid... Another pattern for my collection to look out for... 
  11. Incredible hulk zoas. First pic $20 2nd pic $40
  12. Thanx bro... Ur mandarin orange grow another poly... 
  13. Latest update: Back row from left; stardust-sold,eagle eye-sold, bambam-$20, incredible hulk-$20, blue zoas-sold,blue zoas sold. Front row; bam bam-sold, eagle eye-$10, incredible hulk-$40, blue zoas-sold, blue zoas-sold, eagle eyes-$10. Special offer... Take all for $80... 
  14. Got pic of spiderman zoas... Can mms me e pic at 93228832... Kinda interested... 
  15. Ur scaping looks natural... Nice!!! 
  16. Wit hood or without hood, ur tank stil look nice... 
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