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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Manage to find my old tank thread... Lol Will jus continue tis thread for my new tank. Well tis tank had been decomm long time ago. Tis was my first reef tank. Without proper knowledge n equip, most of it or 95% of e coral die. After which i start to keep fowlr tank. But then, hand itchy n buy IQ3 tank n keep rics.... 
  2. Time to update ur tank bro... 
  3. Bro, maxz is selling red milli. He is staying at tiong bahru(jln membina). Can pm him for more detail... Cheers... 
  4. Im not celebratin cny. So had to pass tis offer n giv other reefer a chance to get ur stuff... Lol Ups for ur sale bro... To other reefer who yet to noe tis guy, he is one of e hidden dragon... His tank is awesome!!!! Its a must to visit him n get his stuff. No regret... 
  5. E first pic is red gonio. Red gonio is not easy bro. U can try pm bro HW33... He is e expert in gonio. Try feeding oyster feast. Heard it does help... Cheers...
  6. Yo bro, if by next week nobody buy, then it will be in my tank ya... Lol In e mean time, ups for ur zoas!!! 
  7. Its actually a common zoas u can find in ah beng. Jus tat i don hav it now n wanna support ur trading of zoas... Btw if ur short of tat zoas then its ok bro... Cheers...
  8. Nice bro... Well done... It look so so much diff from ur old scaping. More swimming space for ur future fish. Mus visit u one day n hunt for ur hidden zoas... Lol 
  9. Too much high end zoas. Now searchin for some normal n cheap zoas... 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cedricang


      Normal n cheap ? Sure or not bro...lol

    3. Copperband


      Its his Job.... Driving him nuts.... Try a career change!

    4. cool guy
  10. Yo bro... Interested in ur zoas no 5. I got some other zoas for u to trade. Mind if u can dropby my place n c which ur interested in... Im stayin at tamp... Tis weekend will be gd...
  11. I got 2 big pail of dried dead rock. Got big medium n small size. Collection will be at tamp... Price wise, $20 for all... Sms me at 9322 8832 if ur interested.... 
  12. It look like shrek to me!!! Lol!!!  Btw ups for ur sale bro... Its nice n reasonable price... For reefer who wan a nice green color, tis is a mus to hav zoas... 
  13. ItS a cool tank man...  nice job bro... Ur scaping look natural too... Agree wit one of e bro here. Adding a hood will make ur tank look much more nicer... 
  14. Tats is a cool frag tank bro... I also wan!!! Been thinkin of doin a frag tank. Saw urs n it giv me an idea. Thanx...  Can help me get e same as urs... Everythin plus e equipment. In return, i can pass u some cool zoas!!! Lol!!!  Ps: can pm me e damage for e whole setup... Cheers bro... 
  15. Mornin SK-II... A very hapi new yr to u. Back to ur ques, imo since ur tank is small, u don really need a cleaning crew. Don need to waste money on tat. As for clownfish, ther many diff type n species. U can google in e net. Price range can be as low as $1 to as high as $500...
  16. Hereby wanna wish everybody a very hapi new year. Thanx to cedric for all e rare sps n zoas(my fav), lemon, terry n digiman for all e rare fishes, mark, mike, darren, joe p, junkai, omar, hwee n dreamlover( all my buddy) for helpin me wit tis reef hobby. N not forgettin all e reefer tat hav been supporting on my sale thread.... Cheers 2012!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Copperband


      lol... Surprised to see my name too!

    3. Copperband


      though i bet you forgot what my nick was!

    4. cool guy

      cool guy

      I neva forget ur nick bro... Lol

  17. Dun tink so. U can check at irwana display tank. E yellow sun outstand e rest of e sun. From far u can c... Lol!!!
  18. Haha... Im cool bro...  Ya if u from e west, its best to get from bro mike. If east then u can dropby my place. Cheers...
  19. Ups for ur sale bro... My bdae fall on 31st dec... Any gift for me... Hehe...  Ps: i wan zoas... 
  20. Call me at 9322 8832... Got spare for u. Collection wil be at tamp. $10 only...
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