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cool guy

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Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Look scary bro... Guess better to take it out before it grow into a green monster... Lol Ive no idea wat it is. So to be on e safe side, remove it from ur tank.
  2. How to grab today? No stock!!! Lol
  3. Ok. These are e possibility. It can be, eagle eye, sun flower or dragon eye. Zoas r a unique coral. It can morph into diff color under diff tank. But tats definately not an mandarin orange. Watever e zoas is, tat zoas of urs look nice. As long as it look nice under ur eye, don ever bother wat its name is. Jus like some of my collection. Reefer who came to my hs to view my tank always ask wat zoas is tat, its look nice etc etc. But e actual fact is tat, its jus a normal cheap indo zoas... Lol... Cheers bro... Let it grow n then can sell me a few poly... 
  4. Tats gonna be nice bro... Envy u for afford to buy all tis ex fish. All e best bro... 
  5. 50% will do bro... Since u still run ur tank, bb should present on ur lr. Guess no need to cycle ur tank. Maybe jus wait for a wk before adding any fish or coral.
  6. I guess no need. Jus change water will do. 
  7. No. I mean if it decide to toxin my tank... 
  8. Bro plz post a video of ur 2k fish... 
  9. Do u need me to call e firefighter bro... LOL
  10. Go for zoas... Easy to take care... 
  11. U make me wanna get an AT for myself!!!  Will hunt for a small pc about 1 to 3inch... 
  12. I got about 10pc of Chrysiptera oxycephala selling at $1 each n 6pc of pyjamas cardinal for $1 each. Size wise for Chrysiptera oxycephala veries from tiny to medium n pyjamas cardinal is about 1inch. All are feeding well on pallet n mysis. Collection will either be at tamp or hougang. Need to clear fast.
  13. Post more pic bro...  Possible a FTS. Don hide ur gems hor...
  14. Bro tofubox, i got a tigertail seacucumber. Its a small pc. Let me noe if ur interested k. Am not takin a risk for my belove zoas... 
  15. Wher r u staying? Ah beng do bring in sometime. Will let u noe if i spot it. Price wise should not be more then $50 i guess....
  16. Wah!!!! Darren!!! U make my jaw drop man!!!! Yup tats a true rasta... Didnt noe tat rasta got so many variant. Currently, got 3diff rasta variant in my tank. 
  17. Nice hor... First is call creamsicle... 
  18. If anyone hav or found tis zoas, plz pm me ya...
  19. Thanx bro... Ur welcome to come over bro... Jus pm me k... 
  20. Agree wit bro straydum. DOn use tap water. Tats another factor y algae grow On ur tank. Try use ro/di water or distilled water from shop n save. Cheers... Hapi reefing... 
  21. U should hav pass me e fish n i can try to feed it for u... Haiz...  its a waste bro... 
  22. I really love seahorse. But till now ive yet to keep one. Feel like jus buy one cheap seahorse n c how it goes. But i will be a irresponsible reefer like tat. Gd job bro... Keep it up... 
  23. Im not sure if my theory is rite. But tis is wat ive experience. Few reason for zoas do not open is: 1- got pest, like nudis. 2- hair algae.  3- Water parameter. 4- zoas is giving birth to small baby. Ive notice tat some of my zoas didnt open for like 5 to 6days. E next time it open, i saw some baby poly.  Hope tis help. Cheers bro. Btw u got some nice zoas. 
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