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Everything posted by Kalib

  1. What's the water parameters like? Sounds like you may have ammonia present in the water which can cause the fish tail to rot.
  2. Or be like me, middle of the night, take torchlight see the nightlife and find crabs at the same time. I noticed that they seem to come out at night after lights out when its all dark.
  3. IMO, its safer to remove, especially the bigger ones. My firefish went MIA recently, most likely its due to crabs which attacked it at night. The fish wasn't sick.
  4. Maybe their from some terrorist organization which is out to terrorize marine hobbyists
  5. For me, i started skimming when i introduced my fishes to my tank. Not necessary IMO to on the skimmer during cycling.
  6. Think this is normal for cleaner shrimps, I got a pair in my tank and they don't really move about alot but rather stay in 1 spot. They only move alot during feeding time.
  7. Did you get the right SG when u mixed in the salt? If you got the right SG, it should not be at pH7.1 but rather at around pH8.3
  8. There are a number of marine creatures that can be bought from LFS for algae control. Just to name a few: - Lawnmower Blenny - Turbo Snail - Emerald Crab(might harm the other livestock) - Think 1 specie of hermit crab eats algae not so sure
  9. The other lifeforms(both harmful and harmless) will die as well if the LR is dipped into freshwater.
  10. If going to PR is more convenient, Mainland Fishfarm at no.1 pasir ris farmway 1 sells them as well.
  11. 1.IMO, if you did the cycling properly, there shouldn't be a need for such products. For me, the use of such products in both a cycling and matured tank isn't necessary. 2. Think you should provide somemore info like what's the filter system like. No2 at 0.2 is quite high. By right, eventually no2 should reach 0. Maybe the testkit is inaccurate.
  12. Think you can drop the no3 test. Just make sure nh3 and no2 is 0.
  13. Just an update, the water no longer smell fishy. Thanks for all the help, was a little worried something bad was going on in the tank.
  14. I don't have any anemone so that can't be the cause and my mushroom appears fine so far. Anyway, the smell isn't so strong already.
  15. Hmm...Yes,now that you mentioned it i do remember stirring up some stuff when my siphoning tube went near a piece of LR.Maybe thats the cause. Would monitor the water for the next few days to see if the smell would go off.
  16. Did a partial water change today, after siphoning out some water, i noticed i've got a very strong fishy smell coming from the tank. Any idea what causes that?? Before i did the siphoning, the water didn't have any smell. Did some tests on the water: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 pH:8.5(a little high)
  17. In case i'm not clear enough, what he's telling me is that 2x25W will still be 25W of light and not 50W of light. So i have doubts about this.
  18. Ok, nothing to do with how much light i need for my tank:D but rather this is a question regarding the actual power of lights. Today in a conversation i had, my friend told me stuff about lights and explained using physics. Well i was totally stumped by what he's saying because what he says seems to confuse me greatly. So basically, from what i can understand from what he says, he's telling me that 2x25W FL is weaker than 1x30W FL.Its like the wattage doesn't add up,1x30W will still be stronger than 2x25W FL.Is that true? Only thing i didn't clarify with him was, did he take into consideration how light reacts with water(colour spectrum disappears as depth increases).
  19. If your not intending to do a DSB or Plenum in the maintank, not necessary to buy 200kg of CS.
  20. The skimmer should be off and the canister should be running. Also, check if the NH3 testkit is faulty(I used a faulty NO2 testkit once and got no NO2 reading at all). I think posting what you did would be good to see if anything has been done wrong hence resulting in no NH3 being produced.
  21. Mine eats whatever food i dump in. fish meat,prawn meat, flake food.
  22. Taking out the rocks is NOT curing them. Curing is the process whereby the rocks are left in a tub of saltwater and let all the die-offs to occur. After all the die-offs have occured, the rock is considered to have been cured. Since your in the cycling stage, just leave them in the tank as the die-offs are needed to start the cycling process.
  23. I also understand that we must take what the LFS says with a pinch of salt. I may be no expert but i can tell you that is not true, i've seen pple on their MH for 8hrs a day with no problem.
  24. Think can use MS paint to re-size. Can see clearer la but problem is takes up more bandwidth than smaller pix. Anyway, quite a nice tank u got, kind of like it.
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