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Everything posted by Kalib

  1. Of course you can. Basically, once waste(like a decomposing MP) is present, bb will form in the system to break it down. There needn't be a presence of LR for bb to colonize the filter media. THe main problem IMO is that later on when LR is added, you must add them slowly or cure them beforehand, otherwise your going to trigger an ammonia spike.
  2. Why don't we make him drink skimmate too?
  3. I've seen similar cases on TV before, Animal Planet but by far i think this is the worse of the lot. Think the show is call Miami Animal Police or something similar.
  4. What about your calcium level? If i'm not wrong, calcium is quite important here.
  5. Upzz... Sigh.. So far no luck in finding the dog.
  6. Getting those that are already eating fish foods is a good idea since chances are it would continue to eat in your tank. Better than buying 1 specimen from the LFS and not knowing if it would eat standard aquarium fare or not. IMO, these fishes are best left in the wild where they will benefit the fish population there.
  7. Me too, hoping she'll get her dog back soon. Thanks alot for the help. Anyone else who has any information or can help out please come forward thanks. Please help inform your friends about this as well, thanks.
  8. UpzZz Anyone who has any information pls come forward and help thanks.
  9. I would advise against adding cleaner wrasse mainly because removal of such fish can have an environmental impact on the reefs and partly due to the fact they don't do well in captivity.
  10. Unless the tank is big like 3x3x2, dont' go for so many Tangs. I would prefer 3 Tangs to be the max. Main problem here is the swimming space since Tangs like to swim around, if there isn't space to swim, they won't like it and possibly feel stressed and fall ill easily.
  11. My friend's dog went missing recently, from her joo chiat home. Anyone who has seen this dog or has any info can email her at heavenlyn@hotmail.com or PM me. Some info: Name: Peanut Missing Since: 25-10-2004, about 1pm Went missing from where: Koon Seng Rd Breed: Maltese Colour: White Gender: Male Other info: Responds to name Peanut Attached is a pic of the dog.
  12. This is a coco worm, http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...40&TopCatId=504 Are your worms hard tubed or soft tubed? Do they reside porites? If their hard tube, most likely coco worms. If its soft tube, most likely featherduster worms. If they reside on a porites, most likely a xmas tree worm.
  13. Red Bamboo Macroalgae makes good food for herviorous fish like Tangs. I even tried feeding those sarong worms for fishing for my fishes, they love it too.
  14. Unfortunately i didn't get a reply as the company isn't selling this anymore. Or was it soemthing else? Can't really remember, read about it somewhere. Anyway, i think golden perals might be a possible substitute but that'll mean more water changes as it should be more polluting than using live phyto and rotifers.
  15. Be careful with that thing. Think it can give a nasty shock.
  16. Coralline algae are hard, usually they are purple in colour. Filamentous algae are soft to the touch and come off easily. A common type of filamentous algae would be Diatoms which is brown.
  17. I believe we are all in this hobby to keep fishes. Including me. Patience bro, like what the others say. Don't rush the cycling, its possibly one of the critical stages to a successful tank. Spend the time(while the tank is cycling), to do planning and further research.
  18. Lookout for the word dried seaweed. Those neighbourhood minimarts may have also.
  19. I won't risk trying with the fire goby. Chances are the lion would be able to eat that. Angels and Tangs should do ok, so long as their bigger. If your talking about dwarf angels, i think it won't be wise to risk it either.
  20. I've used before Surecatch brand(buy from fishing shops, around $5 one) portable battery pump, somemore its waterproof, runs on 1 D size Alkaline battery. It will last 48hours minimum if you use an Alkaline battery. For other batteries, i think minimum 24hours, may not last 48hours.
  21. I think you should PM them, this would get it shifted faster.
  22. Yup But for FOWLR, who cares. 4days is ok.
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