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Everything posted by Kalib

  1. No what i'm saying is that after i'm done with cycling( ammonia already 0, nitrite should hit 0 either tomorrow or this weekend) can i leave the tank alone for a few days. I'm also getting a testkit tomorrow afternoon. So if the nitrite turns out to be 0, is it ok to leave the tank running for the next few days? Sorry about any confusion, the ammonia source stated here would be the fish which produces the bioload for the bacteria to process.
  2. The nitrites in my tank is almost 0. Expecting it to hit 0 either tomorrow or this weekend. However, i won't be able to add any fish until next Tuesday as i won't be in this weekend. I've also run out of tablets for my nitrite testkit so i won't be able to test tomorrow morning if the nitrites has hit 0 or not. That means its likely i won't be buying any fish tomorrow to play safe. So if the tank is without an ammonia source for this few days(Fri till Tues) would alot of the bacteria die?
  3. Yeah would wait longer and let the bacteria do its work. Anyway situation has improved, today the nitrites have dropped to below 0.1mg/litre again. I guess the LR was the main culprit here. In future i better remember to either add in LR at the start of the cycling or to cure them before adding in to prevent the prolonging of the cycling period. Forgot about the mini-cycle which would prolong everything
  4. Looks very much like a mullet of some kind...
  5. Think they call them IOS(Internal overflow system).
  6. Still cycling my tank. I'm in the 3rd week of cycling already. Today when i tested the water, the nitrite turned out to be higher than yesterday. The nitrite has been steadily declining to as low as below 0.1mg/litre yesterday(but not 0). Today when i tested the nitrite, the level had increased to somewhere between 0.1mg/litre to 0.25mg/litre. Had add in 3.5kg of LR in the 2nd week of cycling(Think it was 6-8-2003).Did an ammonia test yesterday and the result was 0. To confirm my guess that the new LR caused this, is it posible the 3.5kg LR introduced in week2 caused a smaller ammonia spike resulting in the sudden nitrite increase that i got today? Or is it something else? No livestock or LR has been introduced to the tank in the past 1 week+. At about slightly past week1 of cycling the ammonia has tested to be 0 and i stopped the daily ammonia testing. The ammonia testing stopped before the new LR was introduced.
  7. Read that you can add sintered glass to your filter to help reduce nitrates.
  8. I think what he meant was that u're damn lucky to get this goby while fishing. Gobies can be caught using hook and line but not that often.
  9. You mean the seachem ammonia alert? Don't think you should rely too much on that. IMO, safer to stick to the testkits. Personally got one, it showed safe on its colour zone. But the ammount of ammonia which my testkit detected was already unsafe(compared it with the water quality booklet which comes with the interpet testkit).
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