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Everything posted by Kalib

  1. Critters! Lots of them! Pods and worms sighted on the sandbed, along the tank walls and in the sandbed. Snapped some photos. There were even 2 small snails spotted in my overflow box. But the pistol shrimp that i spotted earlier in the overflow box is now missing. *Sorry if some of the pics are a little dark, think i set the exposure for the camera a little too low for some of the shots Small snail
  2. Ok. Where's my syringe and kalkwasser Heh heh heh
  3. Sorry if this 2nd shot of this hitchhiker is blur. Can't seem to get a good shot at this angle because the silicone at the edge is blocking it. Talking about hitchhikers, i keep hearing clicking sounds from my tank, and after much searching i found the culprit. A small pistol shrimp stuck in my overflow box Think i'll rescue it tomorrow but right now i'm too tired going to bed liao.
  4. Hitchhiker pest anemone?
  5. I see. Anyway, so far the smell is hardly noticeable. Hope it won't get too serious.
  6. I think the porcelain crab i found might be this.
  7. Just a minor update, my living room has a little smell right now, hope it doesn't get too bad.
  8. Diatoms are just brown microalgae if i'm not wrong.
  9. Ah i see. I found a much bigger version of it in the batch of LRs i bought, twice the size of the 1 i have in the pic, except it was squashed. Talking about crabs, while rumaging through the boxes of LR at the LFF to select LRs, i found 1 big hitchiker, the shell was like 1" in diameter. And it is definitely the type that won't mind making a meal of your livestock.
  10. I thought hairy crabs look different?
  11. Yea, these 2 crabs look new to me never see them before. Anyone can help ID? Ah. So u're referring to my house. No its not stylo milo la... its erm. very normal looking. really. and messy too.
  12. Lets all stop looking and replying at this thread. i think it may end up overtaking Roidan's thread!
  13. Another shot of the crab
  14. I don't have phobia, i'm just curious what crab it is. Here's another crab from the liverock... Wonder what specie.
  15. Dun say until lidat leh.. my scaping sux. =X What bachelor pad?? ?_?
  16. Water parameters, measured only SG,nh3,no2 and pH: SG: 1.020, going to raise this to 1.023-1.025 in just awhile Ammonia: 0.8mg/litre Nitrite: 0.5mg/litre,think its more than that but closest match is 0.5mg/l pH: 8.5What do you guys think? Looks like there won't be a need for any market prawn.
  17. Eurobracing on left side
  18. Decided to re-size and upload 2 more pics. Now i'm going to go measure the water parameters. Eurobracing on right side
  19. Thanks for the compliments ryz. *yawns* now i'm awake from my short sleep. Ok, here's the tank specs first, will test water parameters in just awhile be patient! Tank: 4'x2'x2', 12mm glass Sump: 3'x20"x20", 8mm glass Built-in refugium in the sump: 2'x20"x1' Return pump: Eheim Universal 1262, 3400l/hr Skimmer: Weipro 2014 Skimmer pump: HQB3900, 3500l/hr think gonna divert the outlet maybe add more circulation to the refugium,a little big for a 2014 but since i've already changed the plug to a 3-pin plug, don't think i can return to the shop, silly me Lights: 2x55W PL(white, 10,000K), 1x30W FL(actinic blue), just FOWLR maybe some mushrooms which will be placed at the top of the rocks. 2x36W PL(6,500K) for my refugium. Sand: 60kg grade1 coral sand Filter media: Bioballs and filter wool. FOWLR! Not planning to go into keeping a reef tank. Liverocks: 60kg, still adding another 10kg from my current 2ft tank later on. So, that basically sums up the tank specs. Will move on to water parameters in just awhile. Got somemore pics of the tank itself, will post them up later when i'm done resizing them.
  20. *yawnz* late. Later i'll post the tank specs.
  21. Another shot of the same crab.
  22. What's specie is this crab hitchiker? Need some help to ID.
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