Hi FuEL,
i had catched a few L. amboinensis purposeless once together with Lysmata spec. (cf. rathbunae) Sadly no amboinensis settled successfully.The last one died about day 65.
i think maybe they need something to induce the settlement, because my larvae had nearly completely developed pleopods just like the rathbunae short-time before they have done metamorphose. maybe substrate like live rock or the presence of adults or something else.
Some of yours also look like they already have pleopods.
My Clibanarius tricolor megalopa larvae had used but they haven’t been staying in the shells i offered so i put an adult tricolor in the raising tank. On the next day most tricolor larvae obtained shells and metarmorphosed.
Just some ideas.. Good Luck! Hope they ll make it.
Greetings from Germany.