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Everything posted by Tanzy

  1. He only recently censored that picture after Singapore Idol. It has been around for a long time. In case you guys didn't know, this guy has been Singapore's biggest joke for quite a while already. I can be considered one of his 'fans'. I think he censored the picture after someone pointed out the Kotex on the floor and the picture was circulated on the WWW.
  2. The answer is Kotex Sanitary Pads! I have not the slightest clue why he has that stuff on the floor while ######. Obviously, he feels a need to censor it but not before stupidly putting it on to the net for people to see.
  3. Avoid anemones. Avoid long spine urchins. Avoid leopard blenny.
  4. You forgot to add anti-chlorine? Fish and softies should be OK.
  5. Diarrhoea? Leave your business in the toilet next time.
  6. This is a picture from his website. I've circled an area of the photo which he has censored himself. Do you know why?
  7. It's fun. We must continue to vilify him. Singaporeans need a rallying point and he is our common enemy. The ultimate disgrace to our graceful and beautiful nation. I say we DEPORT HIM!
  8. I saw him yesterday outside Tangs in the evening. Was trying to pluck the eyebrows of people coming out of Crossroads cafe. He approach my friend to have her eyebrows plucked and she felt very insulted. What a dodo!
  9. 3 more weeks to SRC 2nd Anniversary. Looks like there might have to be a privately organised gathering instead of an official one.
  10. You don't need higher education to be rich but those with higher education tend to be richer.
  11. What ever gave you the idea I drive a RX-8? I think Traction Circle Club is going to PG this Saturday. Still in the Army are you?
  12. True, true. Hey SpiderIchi, Have you gone to PG or Sepang yet?
  13. Touch this. I won't trust the poll because when it comes to money, no one can be trusted. They will tell you that they are willing to pay $50 a month for a clubhouse but maybe after 3 months, they will just stop showing up and expect no more moeny from them.
  14. How much are you willing to pay per month? What services and facilities will you expect from a clubhouse?
  15. I think we have less than 500 active members and less than 50 members who would consider paying for the maintenance of the clubhouse.
  16. Black doesn't mean bad. It just means hydrogen sulphide is being produced due to anaerobic conditions. Just don't disturb the layer and release the hydrogen sulphide because it is toxic in large quantities.
  17. The brownish bit is probably just cyano or diatoms, nothing to indicate that the DSB is working. Your nitrate levels will determine if the DSB is working properly. If you are wondering whether if your DSB will turn black, then don't worry, it's only a matter of time.
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