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Everything posted by Tanzy

  1. How can your Audi A6 lose to a S320? Your car is so much more maneuverable than the luxobarge. You throw Audi face! Go and drive Lada from now on. Even a S600 can't be sharper than you. Faster on the straights yes but cornering, no way.
  2. Actually those figures are fairly consistent with what other reefers have been getting. The water around Singapore tends to get some surface run off resulting in some phosphates and nitrates. The high salinity could be due to the water sitting in the LFS tank evaporating for too long.
  3. It's actually mandarin fish. Editted the topic title for you. Since this is reef related, I'm moving it out of the Kopitiam to the relevant section.
  4. Since Dec 26 2002, more than 50% of reefers have used the internet to conduct research before diving into the hobby. I think that's a good sign.
  5. Bear in mind that my comments apply strictly to regulations being followed and does not mean I am in approval or disapproval of the general forum direction and environment. SRC was founded on the 17th September nearly 2 years ago. 2nd birthday coming up fast.
  6. It's regular calcium hydroxide in powder form.
  7. There are but they are big and liable to get blocked by calcium deposits resulting in a leaky seal. Will require regular maintenance. A hassle to be better of without. If possible consider alternative, check valve as last resort.
  8. Reef Relief? Second hand?
  9. Generally well done. Rules are being followed and definitely an improvement over the fast few months with regards to topic descriptions in thread titles. Keep up the good work! BUT, people are still posting in wrong sections, especially the product review section! It's for people to write comments and review a specific product, kind of like a report. It is NOT a place to ask for a comment concerning a product.
  10. At least it is still alive. They are shy creatures sensitive to movement and disturbances but they gradually acclimatise to the new environment. Do you have a lot of fast moving fish? I've coco worms doing well in tanks lit with the brightest MH.
  11. Yes. There is chloramine in tap water that is not naturally gassed off.
  12. They have somewhat similar functions but maintain calcium levels by different means. A drop in pH will not be experience when using a kalkreactor (KR), more likely an increase in pH. For a calcium reactor (CR), the effluent is of a lower pH than tank water (usually < pH 7), but the dissolved carbon dioxide can be gassed off by dripping the effluent into a well aerated or turbulent area of the tank or sump. Overall, pH should not be significantly altered by the excess carbon dioxide as the tank seeks its own equilibrium Isn't it the other way round? The KR is just an automated way to top up evaporated water with kalkwasser. KR can be used to maintain levels of calcium and alkalinity if the amount added is similar to the amount used up. It will increase levels if more than required amount is added. Of course it will be good to maintain elements at a reasonably stable level. KR will add calcium and alkalinity in a 1:1 ration to calcification but it can only add as much kalkwasser as water evaporated from the tank. Some systems experience greater amount of calcium depletion (e.g. SPS tanks with high calcification rates) than can be supplied by the kalkwasser so there is a need to run a CR because CR can maintain levels independant of the evaporation rate as it use tank water. Because kalkwasser powder is largely artificially produced, such additives and supplements can be added. Whether they will continue to exist in a soluble form and utilised by organism of the tank in the high pH solution of calcium hydroxide is dubious. CR uses naturally mined aragonite or calcite but may be supplemented with dolomite to maintain magnesium levels. Yes and no. The kalkwasser will dissolve to a certain extent but it will precipitate nearly all your metal ions and the overall calcium level of the solution will be lower than natural levels. It's all about ionic equilibrium. That renders such form of kalkwasser unusable for the tank. Of course but do you need it? How much kalkwasser you can dose is determined by the amount of evaporation you get in the tank. SPS tanks have high demand of calcium and are usually chiller cooled such that they experience low evaporation rate. Kalkwasser will be insufficient to match the high calcification rates in such systems. If you are clueless as to what you are doing, you can easily overdose kalkwasser, especially in a small tank. The former is what you do to achieve the latter.
  13. What's the egg crate for? The netting is a good idea to prevent large digging animals from disturbing the DSB. Smallest possible grade you can get, not larger than #1.
  14. I will quote myself here from http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7393 Apparently, some reefers are too foolish to search. In case some are wondering, milliW.s/cm2 is milli watt seconds per square centimeter. I will admit I made a mistake here and correct it now that I have reviewed it, microW.s/cm2 should be corrected to mW.s/cm2 or milliWatts.s/cm2. I've mixed up the units. Corrections have been highlighted by italics.
  15. Aquarium UV filters are a joke. They do not allow sufficient contact time nor do they have sufficient power to kill much. The layer of the water around the UV tube is also too thick for the UV to penetrate. Commercial UV filters are huge, many times more powerful and are very very long. Healthy fish don't get ich anyway. Ich is not a bacteria so it will take a longer exposure or more power to kill it.
  16. That's cyano growing on your grape. Obviously the grape is not competing well against the cyano. You will need a lot more grape algae to fight back the cyano. In the mean time, look to improving water quality through other means. You acro doesn't look all that good too. If stuff are dying in the tank, get rid of it.
  17. Pro - Your fish get a healthy tan. Con - Waste of money.
  18. Ja, Coralife PL Actinics are genuine.
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