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Everything posted by Tanzy

  1. That's a really odd complain. If there are too many, they will die when there is a lack of food. The tank finds its own equilibrium. I'm sure some of the smaller ones will make it into the tank alive.
  2. How deep is your DSB going to be in total? That is more important than how much life sand you have. You don't even need live sand actually. Detritivores will migrate from live rocks to the sand bed over time. Be patient.
  3. Let's all just turn up at the police recruiting office and sign up to be TP.
  4. I saw the white volvo in pursuit of a black civic before going from TPE to SLE. The officer was putting on the siren just as they were passing me. Totally unmarked and with private plate. Should be SCQ something but can't remember for sure.
  5. Taxi has always been cheaper than car. Car is for convenience. Anyway, petrol is 80.9 pence per litre in UK! To save money and help save Earth, drive this.
  6. If I drive fast it will not be because I want to save time, it will be because I think it's fun to do so but more sensibly, it's so normal for the car to slowly creep to 120 km/h on the expressway. It's very difficult to keep to <100 km/h because that will mean I have to constantly watch the speedo and feather the trottle. UK speed limit of 70 mph (112 km/h) is just about right. BTW, speeding is bad for health. I exceed the speed limit but do not speed or drive recklessly.
  7. Probably the license plate of an idiot that wants to scare the whole of Singapore into letting him overtake. Numbnuts! TP will use proper fast cars that are safe at very high speed instead of a hyundai. There is an undercover Volvo though. It's white. Seen it in action.
  8. Motorway drive. Cruising many miles at 80 mph. City will be worse. Bwilly, I was referring to AT's avatar.
  9. Like the dash? Typical teutonic efficiency without flair.
  10. It reduces height of the skimming column by making the water travel in a spiral. Not a very good idea, more of a compromise for space.
  11. BMW X5 4.4i Sports 19" rims and V8 power! Drives like a car, view of a truck and drinks like a fish (Onboard computer says 12.1 mpg but base on petrol pump figures, about 7 km/L). Ultimate Bug-killing Machine.
  12. KOWAII! (not kawaii) These guys are Happatai if you are interested to look for more of their songs. I'll stick with Charmy.
  13. Seems like they are less harsh on P-platers. Ironic. Put on your Sparco gloves again to lose your license for good! Yay!
  14. My friend was caught on the camera at Benjamin Shears bridge ECP at 160km/h. Went to court to receive a fine and 10 points. 2 points left on his P-plate license. That was 5 years ago. He was considered lucky because 10 points for punishment is very very lenient.
  15. You will need the top of the range 4.8is X5 then. Alternatively, consider the Hartge or Alpina tuned versions. 650bhp X5 any one?
  16. Sleeper or sand sifter gobies might be reef safe to a certain extent but they are not sand bed friendly because they eat the sand bed fauna which is required for a healthy functioning DSB. They also are quite irritating because they drop sand everywhere.
  17. iluvmysef, I love myself too! Please love others and SRC by providing a more detailed and descriptive topic title. Also, do not use all caps for topic titles. Live sand is not necessary. Animals and bacterial will migrate from the rocks into dead sand once the tank is established. Live sand, should you really desire, is freely available from mature tanks to seed your dead sand bed.
  18. Be wary of the trigger, it can get nasty.
  19. It's a diesel engine. A well built one too but built quality of the cab is urgh... Why don't you just join the army. Lots of LWB Defenders there.
  20. The cheapest ones in London will set you back by S$240. I am graduating here.
  21. How big is your trigger? It's not very aggressive but it can feed on your shrimps. Starfishes can disintegrate when not acclimatised properly to the water. They are sensitive to changes in salinity. They don't eat algae and pick about in the detritus to eat bacteria. I think you might have a red linkia and a fromia star. It takes a long time of starvation to kill them.
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