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Everything posted by Mr CRABS

  1. Like that i take the MH for A few bucks Can? I tink is 2800 dollars
  2. Pm Me on the ABove. Looking for Tanks smaller than 1ft..
  3. ooooo... Anyone can tell me how the fish swim without tail,....Im shocked... Congrats to the winner!!!
  4. Looking for the above Pls PM or sms 98000294 Thanks I dunno where my previous PoST...bah...forget it...
  5. My tank Is 2.5ft...If those 2ft lights extendable to 2.5ft also acceptable... thanks for the Info LaW...Im looking for T5 also...
  6. Prefered With Both white and Athnic Tubes...good Working Condition.. Please PM me your offer... STATUS :DESPERATE Please note : light Must be Suitable for 2.5FT
  7. Interested...Where to collect?
  8. beautiful fish.... Wish Buyer is a Experienced person with PBT KEEPING CAPABILITIES
  9. I dunno why but the word above became a foul language....Hhaha
  10. Bro...How you keep you sand bed soo clean...I mean all the shit etc? how? Whos your secret cleaner
  11. Bro nice tank...When on the lights im sure you get the "shoick" feeling...Any updates?
  12. I looking for the above for a friend of Mine. I just Brought him into the hobby. Please make a good and cheap offer so is more affordable. Also looking for T5 lights with both athnics and normal...Please do your offers on PM. thnx. TANK IS 2.5FT WITH A 2.5FT SUMP ###### REFUGIUM... Thanks in Advance for your offers
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