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Everything posted by Mr CRABS

  1. It not about that...Aiyo...Dun sobb
  2. Haahahahahaha...You making me laugh my stomach out...pain hahahaha lol Carry on , UPz For you for praising good ppl
  3. Thanks for all the nice people and their offers, Thread closed..
  4. Its seems You have Started noticing notices...Now you just have to stock up Posts yah....
  5. i THINK tHOSE wHOM qUIT NEVER Came back to SRC.....I dunno...See if got and souls around
  6. Hahahaha...Freedom speaker...........LOL...............Worship......Were you worshiping someone formally....in another forum??
  7. hahaha...I got few people already call me craps....
  8. I knew it i should have put a more friendlier face in my signature...The one that i have now shows crabs flaming.....oh dear
  9. Actually I just crabs...The MR is extra...I not So MR yet...Mr sounds soo old...hahahaha
  10. oK,,,yOU'RE right...Srry not many ladies around here....Paiseh srry.... ......., WaNNA Make frens...Srry if hurt you or anything...I currently take SRC as my chat room...But a more respectable one..Srry my apologies...
  11. Just to Find out the reasons, Since its the lounge, Its a free to talk place... It might be question of no interest to some, In that case its better not discussed in the thread. Share experiences please....
  12. Sure dude. Welcome...Actually should post this in newbie thread....1st mistake....hahahaha
  13. I looking for Jerry Can to get water from LFS .... i No time to mix water....thanks and PM me you offer
  14. Hey guys...Keep cool....remember By flaming at each other there's no gains....Peace
  15. Set..I throwing in all my leftovers after dinner
  16. ThanKS>>!!!nICE tANK...uPZ for You...Waitng for all the stock to go away...
  17. May i just know what is a CR and KR for. Srry to disturb you sales How does it help the tank?
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