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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. GIANT BLACK TANG where you got it bro? and how much? the water looks a lil murky
  2. i guess your nemo dried up when you found it?
  3. bro waner, need to slowly pull it out. it sort of cling on to the walls of the cave it lives in.
  4. what tang is that? and what's the dinosaur looking shell doing in the tank? anything living in it?
  5. bro jerv... do you have any bristle worms in your rocks?
  6. bro jerv. update on the tank.... pics pics pics.
  7. is that the chervon tang from bro jerv? the orange seem to be very faint.
  8. yeah. your tube worm is really loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnng. is that elegance? it's really big! and your prata too!
  9. wah ping pong. your house got opening for CNY. your sailfin very nice MY FAV TANG!
  10. just after a day the collection cup so fast go sai already?
  11. worms? is it wriggling? looks like a coral leh. maybe a mini jewel?
  12. maybe can ask bro jerv to help you get those giant rocks. like the ones he got for his tank.
  13. yeah. totally agree. used to have 1 too. got 1 before from CF. looked like a size 1 ball in the tank there. after a few days in my tank. it blew up to almost 1ft.
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