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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. but the wider the tank. more sweat and $ has to be invested to make the inhabitants live well.
  2. bro jerv. how long will the sydne trip be? if 1 week no need to decom right? everything in your tank is auto. the clam... how the tank tahan the weight? i think need a crane to put the clam in. use iron stand. sure break.
  3. is that a giant clam at the right bottom of the pic?
  4. nice anemone. so big. i like the color. i think your hammer needs more light. n moderate water flow.
  5. bro acid. all the fishes leaving peacfully together? no fights or chansing around at all?
  6. bro jerv. i think u can breed aliens already. try those deep sea creatures. those with big mouths n long sharp teeth. can also glow in the dark. THAT WILL BE SO COOL MAN
  7. i think a yellow/blue tang can help brighten up the tank
  8. your tank is super natural. very strange things growing in your tank and your shrimp decided to commit suicide. a pick of the pink looking thing growing under xenia leh.
  9. so many free stuffs. where did u get the LRs from? really good quality LRs they are.
  10. wow. bro jerv always goin for impressive toys. that skimmer looks really zai. if i use it for 1 feet. i can drink the water form the tank already.
  11. WOW! very beautiful piece of bi color prata. very very pretty. upz for your bid
  12. Japanese Pygmy Angel , what makes this fish so expensive ? other then it's rareness. take a look at gem tang. SOLD OUT. LOL. $2,999.00 would any one dare to buy this fish and keep in the tank? would expensive fish die within a few days? gem tang
  13. when i started my tank. the LSF uncle told me to buy a bottle of bacteria for the tank. which is better? the prawn method or adding bacteria solution to the water?
  14. is seio1500 a lil too strong for a 3ft?
  15. the long thingy looks like a sea cucumber to me.
  16. shark in a 3ft. nice leh. but what do u feed it?
  17. WOW your SPS. WOW. so healthy. very nice colour.
  18. bro, new toy again. tunze rocks man.
  19. it's a goniopora. this size. open max.. about 1 feet. had 1 before
  20. as long as the other tank mates cant fit into the mouth of the lion fish. should be ok.
  21. can u post a pic of how the feet will look like with the flip flops on?
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