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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. looks like a tang. a really small 1 too.
  2. a 3ft tank in a big cabinat. big project. better make it a good one so that no regrets. otherwise need to rebuild, pocket sure burn big hole
  3. haha. budget reef. AQUATRONICS ROCKS. i want that t-shirt too. how much? where can i get it? is that aquatronic pen?
  4. wow. a sump like that can keep sps growing for 8 months. bro ,u gotta clean up the sump, look dirty leh. your chiller. . best.. confirm can cool the water under 250w+t5s light. no calcium reactor all this? do your dose anything in the water?
  5. nice tank. but closed down... sad.
  6. that means the water will be filled almost to the brim.
  7. why can see the skeleton of your prata?
  8. your chevron tang change color already?
  9. that means another batch of LS is gonna die in another 2 months. oh no!
  10. LOL.... the setup very bad? saw the suntec tank... i think it's still ok for the FOWLR. but the one with LPS... i think another 2 months everything gone. i saw 1 of the plates already 3/4 melted.
  11. very colorful. and i think almost full house.
  12. wow. so many gonios. how much do they cost? is it depending on the color?
  13. every night can camp in the washroom
  14. oh. i got it wrong. i thought u say that the pic is 'ang long'(red dragon) so it's not the ang long. hmmmmmmmm...... skimmer?
  15. wanted to guess red dragon. at least im half right.
  16. u sold the power skimmer. which skimmer your tank is running on now?
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