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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. maybe the tunze is too strong. i think gonios extends well with moderate flow. like gental current.
  2. eat plants. the pang sai sure green. when the sai disintegrate.. water turns green.
  3. hope u dont disect the lovely tangs and perculas. and warrses too.
  4. or buy 1 GIANT anemone. and 1 clown. if put LRs. need about 1.5tons of LR?
  5. mess up the tank.... point your tunze directly on the sand bed at full power.
  6. wah. your prata get good food. upgraded.. no more market prawns..
  7. bro. try a pic with the lights at 100%. shine the light on the wall or something.
  8. i think 7mm is ok la. just try not to rest the LRs on the glass walls.
  9. WOW. ok. your're the king of tunze. bro jerv. u lose already.
  10. crawl towards wave maker only. crawl INTO the wave maker.
  11. wow. very nice leh. bro jerv. u should have a fish tank similar to the sank display. 360 degress... from ceiling to the floor. the fishes inside sure happy. got so much space to swim
  12. wow. the anemone tenticals so looooooonnng...
  13. your clown keep disturbing the gonio. it's not opening.
  14. just keep the urchin. your coralline will grow back in a weeks time.
  15. where can i get such corals? coral with bad conditions
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