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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. yeah. and do PM me the price you paid for the KORALIA and tunze nano. i would like to compare the prices and the specs, to see which is more worth getting. thanks bro jervis.
  2. wah. ###### leh the tank. the bracing all very nice.
  3. a few of the fake sps looks really real under the MH light.
  4. btw. UV light. dont get expose to it for long period. bad for eyes and skin.
  5. very nice tank. i see a box. external overflow?
  6. got any sand dollar with a dollar sign on it?
  7. bro jerv miss you lor. miss your fish tank pics actually.
  8. the light. what color? it looks purple.
  9. wow. very nice color. what light did you use? or what camera effect?
  10. can keep whale shark liao. very nice tank. well planneed. bro, you can start organising education trips for primary school students. which part of KL you live in? btw, big house u have.
  11. to help the light to be more focus. so that your refegium is brighter. otherwise why would a 150w buld need a MH?
  12. very hard working green wrasses. it really swallowed the bristle worm in whole?
  13. ok. can try using a can. those instant food cans or soft drink cans. cut it open. cut into 2 halfs. you will have 2 curve pieces of metals. can use glue or tape to stick the metal reflector on the bulb. hope it works.
  14. for the refugium light. wouldnt it be better to make a reflector?
  15. very nice zoos. i like the orange one. the color is
  16. the lights. i thought you're getting the full LED 1?
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