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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. not sure if the tube is too long. i measured. it's 16inch.
  2. 27w not enough then try high voltage la. i've got a 36w 50 50 tube
  3. maybe you can try fixing up an AC mini fan. or those USB fan. so when you're in the office and the PC is on, your fan will be turned on. if want a chiller can try the iceprob?
  4. healthy black tang. what about your cheveron. havent seen it for a long time.
  5. the coke can method seems to be working well
  6. are those zoos which you call sunflower zoos called eagle eye zoos right?
  7. bro jerv... get other more exortic colors.
  8. i asked before an uncle in LS how much for the coco worm. he qouted 30. i thought how could a worm be so expensive. then normal tube worm so cheap.
  9. bro jerv. the coco worm very nice. can get video of it when it's all opened up? how much you got it for?
  10. if the position for the anemone is good. good flow and light. i dont think it will move.
  11. oh. chey. i thought which software so powerful.
  12. wow. big rock. very nice. the shape. nice shape. and there should be many organsm living in it.
  13. what software. so good. can change aperture. everything in the pic becomes so sharp.
  14. yeah. agree with bro big ben. the color is well matched. wonderful tank.
  15. wah! sump got wave maker. tank got super dosing machine. im lost for words.
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