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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. brand new. haven't been charged yet. 10/10 condition. never been used. asking price $450(including micro SD) $400(w/o micro SD)
  2. no la. im not pro. i've got no car. still learning driving. only have PDL.
  3. tank specs is important. diffierent tank size use different equipment mah. good tank specs provide good enviroment for the colorful corals to grow. like car. you buy big car but the interior not good. engine 10years no servicing. how the car gonna groove smoothly?
  4. if specs not good then corals not colorful already. good equipments give the corals a good enviroment to grow.
  5. if you lower the light. means more heat. which also means that your chiller is gonna spent a lot more time cooling down the water. means electric bill a lil higher.
  6. tank specs. the dimension of the tank. the thickness of glass. the equipments that you're using and the model number. the water pumps. wave maker. the lights. dimension of sump. these are tank specs.
  7. fierce. 6 footer. your house got place to put ah?
  8. the yellow muddy solution is the food?
  9. sps will discharge slimy substances when stress? will other lps do the same?
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