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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. yeah man. that's a passion a reefer should have. dont let the rare species die. cultivate em!
  2. your brown color clam seem to have out grown it's shell. haha
  3. wah! the black tang to EXPENSIVE! but i think it's worth it.
  4. did you change the light bulb? the sps color improved very quickly.
  5. looks like a cross breed of PQ anthias and hawkfish.
  6. the hammer will be really big if it really extends out. the color is really rich. UPZ for you.
  7. yeah. it's ageing faster than normal dude. lol. should be some parasite attack. could it be from the new corals or LS?
  8. seems like sps can grow really quickly under very good conditions.
  9. bro. your tank really 'carpark full'
  10. how come use a jack knife. can just screw in. the screw has a sharp head. just apply more pressure on it and the screw will go into the wood.
  11. full house. no need to let go lah. upgrade can already.
  12. very nice tank. good size. how many mm thickness? help you UPZ!
  13. can see that it's really tiny compared to the fish head at the side. that's the algae blenny?
  14. the bulb on the right side allows the corals to show more color. whereas the left side one... seems to make the corals look brownish
  15. how come half brown half bluish. both side different bulbs?
  16. i think the PBT too hungry already. no choice. have to come out.
  17. upz. if price is a lil high. can pm me your best price. im not too sure about the market price now.
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