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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. why do you need such a big tub? making an indoor pool?
  2. which direction is the seio blowing?
  3. let me guess. upgrading to a 5footer. the tank cant fit into your car. or you're gettin a new sump. those super high tech ones.
  4. why not try water form the tank rather than tape water?
  5. the sps growing well. take a pic of the limited ed sps.
  6. the purple is so rich on the LRs.
  7. what is that? never seen such coral before. is there any common name for it?
  8. seems like you've got a big sand bed. the plate is like a coin on the SB
  9. so in total. how many t5 tubes? why change? i thought that MH are always better than T5s as they give the tank a more natural look?
  10. the weather seems to be really cold. a huge MH is turned on. and still need a heater. how i wish singapore's water here is like that. so that we dont need to spend money on a big chiller.
  11. seems that aquatronic is REALLY REALLY good at monitering the tank. think i'll get 1 in future.
  12. dont think got sump lah the overflow also not in use.
  13. where are the pics? 180 for a shrimp?????!!!!! with 180. i can buy dont know how many shrimps here.
  14. yeah. green plant that does photosynthesis give out oxygen when there's light. and when there's no light, they sort of sleep. and they take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide like humans at night.
  15. looks like a lot of hard work have been put in.
  16. black tang? since when was the black tang introduce?
  17. sea fan needs high current flow? just like sps?
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