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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. you dont feed your anemone with chunks of prawn?
  2. oh. now it looks more red to me. ha.
  3. oops. haha okay. didnt notice the tinted mirror.
  4. means that you can view your living through your tank, and vice versa? means no privacy?
  5. you might have more LRs and corals than water.
  6. woah. hide till so tight. running out of ideas? your tank got no sunnies right? how about some suns?
  7. maybe you wanna drill a few holes along the pipe. so that there will be more ventalation inside. like natural reef caves.. there are holes around.
  8. just got the fish? the blue spots very striking. it always lay around the snad bed?
  9. the pipe so small. how to keep big eels? like the moray eel. wolf eel. congar eel.
  10. the flesh of the clam seems to be flooding out of the shell. very bah bah.
  11. discuss about expensive fish? or discuss when bro jerv gonna put an expensive fish in his tank. expensive as in like 2k or 3k for 1 fish.
  12. hmmm. the pipes are used for supporting the LRs? or to flush out rubbish on the lr.
  13. haha. have not. means you will some day!.
  14. 5K!!!!?!?!? if die how? 5k gone. very risky.
  15. yeah. time to harvest. it's growing out of the water already.
  16. AQ has more of freshwater. the marine side there seems pretty quiet.
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