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Everything posted by godzillaliu88

  1. Dear reefers, I have a 1m light set for sales. Light sets includes: 2 * 150w double ended lamp 1 * 9-11w compact G23 Condition: 7/10 Year of usage : 4-5 years Price $150 negotiable. Unit need a screw to drill on ceiling For quick deal please contact me at 8161-1193
  2. Bro intereseted in your teco chiller? Please sms me at 81611193. Thanks.
  3. Any more warranty for the chiller? also, Is the price negotiable?
  4. woah! super nice. love the purple. looks a lill bleached. is it? or it's like that. anyway. very beautiful color
  5. pratas can split? btw, very big and nice prata.
  6. fully packed with rocks. but still very nice. many caves for fishes to swim in/out.
  7. very nice. everything propagating well. well done! crystal clear water.
  8. how big is the shrimp? keep it in the sump or something lah. wait for it to grow a lil bigger and cook is for dinner! ha
  9. oh i see. stubborn eater. no starfish to eat means die?
  10. oh, so means they just like being accompanied by starfish? which is their nature to do that? they wont harm the starfish right?
  11. gamma ray swam past. very nice schooling chromis. Harlequin shrimps feed on star fish? always see em with a piece of star.
  12. so many pratas which one is telo which one is kosong?
  13. wow.the orange zoa color very intense
  14. still a lot of space for more rocks
  15. those clams with those size. i think 2 clams in the tank is full already. 1 clam can take up to 1/4 of tank space.
  16. a lot of space for the fishes to swim around. add in more colors.
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