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Everything posted by bobrb69

  1. bro can post pic both ur hammer
  2. yt been reserved already ? if not reserved for me
  3. bro u stay where intrested ur Branching Hammer Coral
  4. bro nutx u selling ur hammer at $50 ? u sure or not ,special species izzit ?
  5. ehhhhhh!!!!! how come can`t see the pic leh
  6. eh bro i pm u wif my no,no reply ?
  7. i wan i wan, how much the price,where u stay ?hope fully it better u post a pic much faster sell
  8. i3 ft mh light to sell a resonable price pm me okies:)
  9. bro in the pic look like a lot of coral,u sell only 2 piece ? can post the coral pic ? thankz
  10. bro u selling by set or saperate? if saparate intersted in the coral kekeekekkekekeke
  11. bro tis last pic is wat specis?how much u wan to sell it ?
  12. bro u giving upz everything ? any coral fo sell ?
  13. bro list price all the invert,fish n item that u wan to sell is better
  14. nice speices but too expensive leh,upz for u sale bro
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