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Everything posted by sjsheng

  1. what do u mean.. the body like grow thinner... like kanna punch like that... slim down...
  2. i have recently bought a purple tang.. guess what... the yt territory kanna taken by the purple tang.. and nx day my purple kanna white spot so is my Yellow tang.. within 1 day.. i back from work... my yellow tang die... what had actually happened... dont think ich will kill a fish within 1 day right...
  3. i leave the marine algae overnight soaked with garlic guard.. this morning... whole piece gone.. dunno izzit my YT ate it or PT ate it... this morning notice my YT like being left out... PT kanna white spot... but when i feed it with brine shrimp he will try and eat it.. lucky he still bother to eat abit... if not die... YT also kanna if i am not wrong... territorial kanna taken by PT... quite stress... but overall all the fish bother to eat... hope after afew day will back to normal...
  4. from hougang hw to go sealife... take 147 drop at lavendar food square then walk towards... paradis re__f direction.. down will see sealife?
  5. i just bought 1 PT today... feed it with algae.. nv eat.. whole piece there after i back from work.. trying to feed BS tml see he wont eat it... if not go up lorry lieo..
  6. one more thing... the YT eyes seem like blur blur like that.. as if like not shinny... normal fish eyes is black right.. but mine YT 1 is black cover by a layer of white.. izzit kanna which spot...?
  7. no lah.. i nt so hurry... just to check it out manz...
  8. then how to solve this... will it slowly rotten?? and die..
  9. only damsel inside... YT is the only tang inside my tank... rotting fin??? feed garlic guard will ercover???
  10. what happened to my YT the fin broken.. and look nt so active.. but will come out for food... before that it kanna ich...now recovering...
  11. where to get powder blue tang huh... i wish to keep 1... lOls... where selling it.. thanks..
  12. will fish eat fine chop garlic huh... i nv try this before.. my yellow tang have just recover from ich.. now abit blur blur like that dunno why...
  13. sea lif_ izzit beside PR ??? after re__rn then PR... then sea lif_ ??? izzit...
  14. u forget to add in something... change a new pair of slipper or shoes...
  15. where to get the kent garlic staff?? rebo__ selling it ??? and Spectrum also where to get it... thanks alot...
  16. i now then wonder "how long it take ich to recover" kinda funy.. wrong meaning... anyway arranging the temp to 28 will help ???
  17. i like subaru wrx... STI... lOls... but i no driving license... no monthly income... cannot depend on parents. later people will say i ah sia gia... use my hand to earn a WRX sti
  18. i am 18 yrs old going to 19 lieo.. going NS lieo chiong moutain shiok sia...
  19. funny incident.. LOls... left $10 buy button dont even have $$$ left for cigarette... smoke less bro... anyway it time for u to go to atm again.. n buy a pair of new shoes... lOls... friction is gone... i faill at comfort driving centre also... lOls... damn paiseh...
  20. sorry withdraw offer... sorry again..
  21. OHF that is no current dont u think so... just suck the water in n pour down... if u remove ur OHF u can throw away lieo.. cause it wont work.. it rust lieo... mine is an example... so i changed to a canister filter... cause mine only 2ft...
  22. u r damn rich sia.. lOls.. anyway look forward to ur coral arrive.. and fishy.. shd be at CNY ?
  23. t5 2x24watt nt enough... running on a canister filter... ammonia 0 nitrate 20 nitrite 0 ph 8.3 temp 27 2x1x1.5 tank... thinking of upgrading to a 4ft... but pocket will kanna burn.. wait till i moving house i will change to a 4ft no matter what..
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