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Everything posted by sjsheng

  1. where can i get this egg crate ? LFS or hardware store ??? is 10kg enough for a DSB for a 2 ft tank ???
  2. so how to get it ? buy or grow ourself??? can this thing really keep low nitrate ??? wondering where can i get grade #0 sand now... all shop closed...
  3. so how to get it done? cause i planning to re-setup my tank... so how can i get the job done? macroalgae what that...
  4. DSB will do the job? to keep my nitrate low????
  5. cause i just notice something weird.. i using a DSB why my nitrate haven decrease... now then i know something went wrong... my 1st layer is coral chip 2nd layer is grade #0 sand... this 2 combined to about 4-5inch sand bed. and my nitrate still quite high.... i think i re-setup my tank soon... i clear the sandbed together also....
  6. can DSB form by mixing grade #0 sand + coral chip ?? i dont think that DSB can work out by forming this 2 together? DBS shd only consist of grade #0 sand right???
  7. can any guy guide me here? what thing should i look for when keeping coral healthy... cause i planing to re-setup my system... i have setup a small tank as a QT.... tomorrow i maybe moving some of my live rock over. cycle for abour 3 weeks ... my main tank is running for about 4 months but my coral issnt doing well... so i may need to re-setup my tank. look after calcium, alkaline, and nitrate.. izzit enough to keep coral healthy?
  8. Bro roiden really envy your tank ... wonder how you keep your coral so nice and your fish so healthy.. cause my coral are not doing well in my tank dying slowly ... haiz... and not opening really well...
  9. that mean for the live rock to grow bacteria on it? and algae develop on it ?
  10. can we re-live our live rock? example i left my live rock out of the tank water... i left it outside my house.. for about 1 months as i thought i dont need it anymore. so to ask u guy. can i re-live it ?
  11. i have the above coral for nearly 2 mths... everything seem fine... but about 1 weeks ago. it never open up ... i not sure what happen to it.. those above coral do not need strong current?
  12. i just changed water 4 days ago... anyway other coral seem fine... only this 2 coral not opening up... if it is due to high nitrate problem what should i do with it ?
  13. can u guy tell me what had happeend to my coral... cause for few day they never open up... and i was quite worried about it...
  14. cable ties izzit use to tied the pvc pipe and the eggcrate? correct me if i am wrong...
  15. pvc pipes and eggcrates where can i get the above ??? those place sell hardware ?
  16. may i know what must i use to stack up my live rock? where can i get it? thanks...
  17. i nv use any sand for my QT... well i just using a simple ineternal filter for my QT.... i only place some ceramic inside my QT and some ehiem bio staff.. just a simple setup... i just change 20% of the water.. and the nitrite lvl is under control...
  18. I just setup a QT 1 week ago i put a market prawn to kick start the cycle after 1 week i remove the prawn... now i notice my ammonia is about 1.5mg and nitrite are 0.8mg ok... so i remove the prawn... now how am i going to reduce the ammonia level ? should i do a 20% water changes to reduce the ammonia and nitrite level? other parameter PH 8.3 SG 1.025
  19. i just setup a simple quarentine tank...with internel filter... now still cycling.. once the cycling is over.. i will put my fish over for treatment... i didnt add in any sand.. just some PVC pipe to provide hiding place for my fish...
  20. wah so xpensive ar.. 200+ just to measure the SG...
  21. where can i get this refractometer from?? and how much will it cost... i expect it will cost around $40-$100... any bro know where can i get this?
  22. wah kaoz.. wanna cry sia... first 3 days feed really well.. suddenly like that... cant believe it manz...
  23. i was damn sad today as my powder blue die because of ich sia... my gd bday present sia.. sad... thinking of giving up hobbies cause of this .... haiz..
  24. i decided to setup a QT cause i was pissed off by the time the fish kanna ich and die... so i will like to know what medi shd be add inside a QT ? and how long i should left my QT before starting to cure any fish...
  25. why my Powder blue kanna white spot once and then die lieo.. what the heck manz... not even 1 day..
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