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Everything posted by Metabolic_7

  1. selling a Atman light system come's with a 150W MH with a 2x24w PL. Just change the MH bulb.can fit a 2 feet
  2. i bought 4 Sunburst Anthias from coral farm after the 3 day start to eat
  3. Interested in the rock,how big is it?
  4. Anybody giving or selling live fiji rock or rock that is covered in coralline algae,sms me 81330857
  5. Selling a 4x4x2 (12mm) tank comes with a 3 feet high Cabinet with 4 inch table top and 3 feet sump. http://metabolic7.multiply.com/photos/album/3
  6. can somebody fix the problem?
  7. one fo my True Percula Clownfish mouth is swollen, but i don't thing it's the cotton mouth fungus,it's been 2 days , but it's still eats and my water parameter is find
  8. eddy what type of filter do u use?Have u check your Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates?
  9. Updated Still available Dymax Denitrator XD 600 $90 Double Beckett skimmer standing 3 ft ( contact me for the price ) Reserved currently till purchase Resun Chiller CL 280 (for 2ft) $180
  10. Still Available 1 ) Dymax Denitrator XD 600 $90 ( 15 - 18 Watts) 2) Double Beckett skimmer standing 3 ft ( contact me for the price ) 3 ) Resun Chiller CL 280 (for 2ft. less than a year old) $160 *Revised*
  11. Still Available 1 ) Dymax Denitrator XD 600 $90 ( 15 - 18 Watts) 2) Double Beckett skimmer standing 3 ft ( contact me for the price ) 3 ) Resun Chiller CL 280 (for 2ft. less than a year old) $160 *Revised*
  12. UPDATED!!! Still available Dymax Denitrator XD 600 $90 Double Beckett skimmer standing 3 ft ( contact me for the price ) Resun Chiller CL 280 (for 2ft) $180 Reserved currently till purchase 4 Feet curved tank with cabinet $250
  13. my clown fish is Inhalation fast it had ich a few days ago but used AquaPharm 'Cure Ich',the ich start to disappear. when the light is on it's all waste at the top but when the light go's off swimming back to the middle of the tank , have not ate for 3 days but my female is doing well. water parementer is find
  14. not a cosmetic advertisemen just asking because i have a yellow tang, a Green Mandarin and Garden Eel. they all eat Copepod and my microalgae. my anemone seem to be fin been 4 days
  15. 3 day ago my blue tang had ich ,so i went out and bought the AquaPharm 'Cure Ich' and use it ,by the 2 day my blue tang was free from white spot.the qus i like to ask is wil it kill my Copepod and my microalgae.It said's kill all free swimming parasites
  16. My tank is a 2ft.in tank i have a pair of True Percula Clownfish, 1 Saddle Brown & 2 SEBAE CLOWN the. True Percula Clownfish are the biggest in my tank they are doing fine
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