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Posts posted by markietan

  1. my nano tank is on my study table and my study table has fluorescent lgiht tubes across... when i switch on the light, the bigger clownfish will go crazy, darting around and hiding at his fav spot. the smaller one looks okay but will occasionally ki siao with the bigger one.

    this strange behavior only started yesterday night... i think it might have something to do with the red bamboo algae and mushrooms i added into my sump tank on wed...

    it takes awhile for them to calm down after switching off the lights... and they are still feeding well. whats wrong?? help...

  2. thx guys for the replies ! anyway just a lil update. the little fellow is still happily sifting my sand bed. once a while i have to cover back the holes he make.. i'm now hiding mysis shrimps in the sand bed. hope he picks up some of the food this way... oh and when i feed my clowns with pallet food, i soak some and let it drop on the sand bed too.

    btw how do u wean him to take frozen food? i read that pple use syringe + tube for target feeding. and soaking the food in some garlic thingy is suppose to help??

    actually i think the best solution for this is to make sure i have lots of pods in the water... i think my 2feet sump tank should be able to support their reproduction right? But the pod population must start from somewhere... currently i don't see any pods in the sump lay... can someone tell me how pods look like?? All the photos on internet are the blown up ones.. Where to get a natural source of pods?? how to encourage growth of pods in my sump??

    anyone have any experience with twin spot gobies ? help.....

  3. bought a twin-spot goby today. she's happily eating sand and digging holes in my 1 1/2 feet display tank now. my display tank and my 2ft sump tank both have 2 inch sand bed and life rocks...

    but the problem is i don't see any pods swimming around. how does pods look like ? copepod and amphipod... where to get more of them ? I read that people have refugiums for the pods to breed in. can my sump act as a refugium too?

    i'm now trying to plant mysis srimps in the sand so that the little fellow can pick them up. she don't seem too interested in them though. am also having problems getting the mysis to sit in the sand and not float around...

    help.... starting to regret buying the twin-spot... but she's just a beauty... :erm:

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