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Everything posted by markietan

  1. Hi guys, can help me see whats wrong with my design. I am unable to start the thing. tried the ###### method and filling up with water method. also covered the hole on the top cap with my finger too. but still didn't work... help help
  2. hey looking at your diagram, does it mean that the tank must be drilled ?
  3. currently i have a 2 by 1.5 by 1.5 tank. i also have a sump with DSB, chaeto and skimmer in it. i have yet to 'link' both tanks together as i am still figuring out how best to do it. what happened previously was that i used siphon to move dirty water from the top tank into the sump and used a return pump to move water back into the top tank. this method removes the dirt and poo that accumulates at the bottom of the tank, which i feel is good coz the tang's poo is really huge and sinks to the bottom b4 it starts to break up. however, it is hard to tune the tap such that the water siphoned off = to the water being pumped back. also, when there is a power shortage, all hell break lose coz all the water will be siphoned into the bottom tank and cause flooding, killing all my ls and making a mess (happened to my friend before) so any suggestions to my problem ? I want to be able to suck out the dirty stuff accumulating at the bottom of my tank. at the same time i don't want to fine tune the tap each time i accidently touch it and prevent the power shortage disaster... i was looking at those hang on filter pump, where it sucks the water out instead and i'm wondering if such a pump will help solve my problem. then again even if the pump is switched off, the water in the pipe linking to the external ###### pump will start the siphoning reaction too right ?? all the reef gurus... helpppp!!!
  4. budget around 250. preferable to be insump. think hns a110 is a good guage ? pm me or sms me at 97312752
  5. Hi, i have a 1.5 ft display tank and a 2 ft sump tank. the sump tank is just a normal tank w/o any partition. water is drawn from the display tank, through under gravel filter, using the siphoning technique, to the sump tank. it is regulated with a tap switch. water is then pumped back from the sump tank into the display tank using a submerged ehiem pump. last time this used to work fine for me, i.e. the water level will remain constant and balance itself out if water is removed or added. however recently i seem to have a problem with maintaining a constant water level. even after i've made sure the water lvl remains constant for a few hours, sometimes when i come back home, i see the top tank/bottom tank overflowing. it is really irritating coz i have to clean up everytime and mix new salt water to replace the water lost. it has occured twice this week... i suspect either the 'to sump' flow rate or the return flow rate goes crazy when one of the water level drops, creating a loss of pressure created by the water... any idea how i can modify my system so that it won't flood my room? i'm thinking of getting a better pump and regulate the return flow rate instead of the 'to sump' flow rate, i.e. leave the siphoning pipe from display tank at full speed. btw are there any drawbacks if the water turn over rate of main tank is too high ?
  6. ya its quite abit. lots of evaporation from my main tank and sump tank coz my ceiling fan is quite power and its switched on max 24/7... heh either that the fishes drink alot of water.... any other effective way of removing this red algae thingy ? i have 4 different types of macro algae growing in the sump tank, isn't it enough for nutrient export?
  7. wait a min. are cyano the red red color thingy ? i change water everyweek le. no money for di unit, so my top-ups are direct from the tap do about 2 litres topup every day
  8. i'm having a cyano boom in my sump tank... seems like increasing the flow rate doesn't work... been scrubbing it off the tank walls and removing it from the sand for the past weeks but it keeps coming back. so guess i have to use anti-red chemical ? LS in my tank includes 2 percular clowns, 1 maroon clown, 1 zebra damsel, 1 twin spot goby, 1 anemone crab( its turning red coz the cyano is growing on it i think), 2 small hammer corals and some mushrooms. which anti-red product to use and how much? will it affect my ls ? help.....
  9. went to toy r us and kiddy palace at jurong pt yesterday.. only found 1 small sponge bob on the shelf at kiddy palace.. sad lar. wasted my trip there. haha nvm shall go town and try my luck this weekend. thx peeps !
  10. Hey wanna buy a patrick the starfish for my friend... so wanna ask if u guys have seen any spongebob squarepants merchadise selling anywhere recently. Mr crabs, seen any ??
  11. my friend switched off my lights while i was away... and when i came back from dinner the coral looked like this... wierd thing is 1 hammer looks okay, the other one is totally shrivled up and looks green... and i notice there's this small little flower thing just beside the hammer coral on the branch. the pic is abit blur coz i took with my handphone. that flower thingy closes up when i touch the branch. is it an anemone or polyp? should i get rid of it? Is my hammer shrivled up because of that ?
  12. and this is a pic when i open the air vaulve fully. water lvl doesn't change... still the same. haha
  13. okay following your instructions, i've removed the green hose, as u can see in the pic, the pump is right below the skimmer now. this pic is taken when i close the air intake valve. ya i removed the plastic tube and replaced with this rubber tube coz this one not as noisy.... notice i've adjusted the valve such that the water level is at the joint where the collection cup meets the skimmer
  14. is this the red grade thingy? my friend gave me some... and its in my sump tank now. How do i maintain it ? how would i know when its mature ? I have some red bamboos too. all basking uner a 10k PL light... i have some srooms in my sump tank too. the shrooms in the sump are not doing that well, unlike the shrooms in my main tank. is it because of the grapes and red bamboos ?
  15. err sorry to burst your bubble dude. another reefer is selling it at 20 only... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=40991 btw if u are staying in the west, near clementi area i might want to get it from you... at 20 of course...
  16. okie dokie. just took the photo i've just connected the air intake of the skimmer to a air pump. results still the same... now i'm closing the valvue abit more than 1/2 so that the bubbles are 1/2 way in the neck....
  17. hey sorry to dig up this old thread... what is a wet skimate? My skimmer is just bubbling and i only see abit of yellowish water collected in the collection cup. Is this normal? running 2012 with atman 104 (1400l/h). btw my main tank runs on under gravel filter and i suck out the detrius in the main tank regularly. is that why i don't see those brown black stuff in the skimmer?
  18. r u selling copepods ? I want to start a copepod population in my sump... i sent u a pm.
  19. i don't think the coconut absorbs the nutrients from the water when its being transported ... i think the nutrients required for germinating comes from the coconut flesh/juice? maybe if u plant an adult coconut tree in your sump, might work.
  20. i use a technisub falco with soft lens. low volume and good field of vision.. got it for 60+ if i don't remember wrongly.
  21. i see.... they are behaving more normally now... my goby doesn't seem to be affected by it though... oh well. i thought my late studying hours screwed up their body clock or something. coz i need the lights to study...
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