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Everything posted by markietan

  1. 1 and 3 reserved. left 2 and 4 cheers, Mark
  2. hi, i have the following items for sale. they are mostly purchased from fellow reefers. i'm including their original thread, hope they dun mind. reasons for selling are indicated below too. 1. Seio M2600 from bro bivi - $50 (the price that he sold to me) http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...710&hl=seio reason : way too powerful for my puny 3 ft tank... 2. Eheim Pro 2224 canister - $90 neg (bought it at $120) http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=eheim+canister reason : i have a sump now so I'm no longer using the canister. I won't say the condition is like new.. probably 7/10. still very usable 3. Dymax skimmer w/ needle wheel pump - $20 reason : upgraded. no longer need it. note that a little trick is required to set it up properly, but otherwise it works great! 4. Weipro 2011 venturi skimmer w/o pump - $15 reason : been in store for quite some time. there's a slight crack on the collection cup but previous owner said he had sealed it and it didn''t leak on me. I'm also looking for 1. a wave maker for a 3 feet tank 2. a return pump with flow rate of 3000l/hr to 3500l/hr so anyone interested in the above items or have something that I need, do send me a PM. also a quick shoutout to those whom i've bought LS and equips from... thanks for the discounts and the many advices that you guys provided. happy reefing.. cheers, Mark
  3. I have a chiller that's controlled by this controller http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=68111 it has a temp probe, a input 3 pin plug and a IEC output connector currently only the chiller is connected to the output connector. i'm trying to connect both the chiller and a pump to the same output connector... any idea how i can do that?
  4. cool.. thanks. i manage to get it to work. is that brown thing toxic or harmful to corals or fishes? my filter wool are turning redish brown
  5. mm.. i bought a FR from someone here sometime ago and today i decided to set it up.. i filled it up with a few spoonful of rowa and i tried running it with a 2000l/hr pump and when the output water was really brownish i quickly stopped it. is it because i mixed up the input / output hose? there's this inner tube in the FR that goes all the way to the bottom. is that one the input or the output?
  6. wow thats cool. thanks... am reading up more on it online now.
  7. i have a healthy nice green frogspawn that opens up real big in the day.. today while cleaning the tank, i shifted it a little because a small piece of zoo dropped behind it. then i accidentally dropped the frogspawn and 1 part of the coral flesh actually 'broke'. then the coral flesh was blown by the current into the liverocks and cannot be found.. this is not the first time it happened, my sister told me she've seen small pieces of frogspawn broken off from the main coral flesh... is that normal ?
  8. super cool stuff! take good care of the frys and keep us updated!
  9. yo.. i pmed u last night on the favia and corcea.. let me know ya? thanks.
  10. anyone has chaeto to spare? somewhere in the west / bk timah area will be great. thanks!
  11. thanks for replying. i think i figured out how to set it.. have to hold on to the SET button to get into the set temp mode. then there is F1 to F6. F1 is the temp that the chiller will kick in. F2 is the temp that the chiller will stop and i have no idea what F3 to 6 means. haha anyway its working fine now. the chiller is able to chill my tank down w/o running for v long. which is good because i dun want my electricity bills to rocket. haha =)
  12. yup the inner tube is shorter than the outer u portion. it is covered by the white pipe with holes drilled ontop, which i'm using as a overflow compartment for now. =)
  13. sorry its AVS-2808A can't seem to edit my previous post.
  14. my friend passed me his chiller and i can't figure out how the thermostat works... it chills the tank but doesn't seem to want to stop chilling... this is how it looks like.. couldn't find any info on it online. The model is AVR-2028. It has 1 3 pin input, 1 3 pin output and 1 thermostat that has to be placed in the water. The 4 buttons are top left : Set top right : Up arrow bottom left : RST bottom right : Down arrow pressing them doesn't seem to do anything.... err... help?
  15. ok i think i found out what's wrong. there was a tape covering the hole i drilled on the end cap, which is why atm was not established... it works now. hah
  16. mm... i diyed this 2 yrs ago but today i fixed it up and can't get it working.. normal siphoning works but i think the idea of this piping is so that if there is not enough water in the main tank, it'll stop siphoning and it will resume siphoning when water is topped up into the main tank... right? once the thing stops, it won't restart again even though the overflow pipe has water in it... help.....
  17. bought the D-D Aquascape Epoxy about 2 yrs ago b4 i decommed my tank and went overseas to work and recently i've setup another tank. found this in the cabinet and thought of using it to stick some of my zoo frags onto larger rocks... lost the instruction sheet... how do i use this? mix both parts and just use it like plasticine underwater?
  18. 1. Morgan 2. Achilles Tang 3. Danano 4. Robe 5. Bloop! 6. Foxface 7. Day 8. Bum 9. Kelstorm (PADI) 10.hoppinghippos 11.chrislwp (Padi) 12.Tango_Liverock 13. WLSS 14. Benz... (Padi) 15. Rycin (Padi) 16. yus (naui) 17. TanGo (NAUI Adv, SSI Advance Open Water Instructor) 18. Alentino (Padi) 19. Tfrancis (Padi) 20. Angry (Padi) 21. Ian(PADI) 22. Supremo (Padi) 23. TTboy 24. dradttg 25. clammy (padi) 26. damsel-in-distress (Padi Adv.) 27.Calciumreef(Naui Adv.) 28. Guinness 29. Assillian (PADI) 30. ryz(Basic is SSI, Advanced is PADI.. screwed up eh? haha) 31. jd 32. narkosis (Naui DM) 33. wedgee 34. Huanjie (PADI Adv.) 35. JaGr (NAUI Adv, TDI) 36.dispar_anthias(PADI) 37. auberon (PADI) 38. dust_to_debris (PADI DM) 39. cysiong 40. manta (SSI) 41. euggoh (SSI) 42. KKX7 (PADI) 43. cowgum 44. ivanlaw (PADI...hot from over on 16 Nov) 45. yogurt 46. reefer guy 47. nicken 48. kokhui (PADI Adv.) 49. daimy068 (PADI) 50. barnacle 51. Bandit (PADI Rescue Diver + Nitrox) 52. Kit (PADI Rescue, currently doing DM) 53. eddtsk (PADI) 54. acidjazz (PADI) 55.Lucifer 56.hermit(PADI Adv) 57. NaTaS``` (Taking PADI Adv in Jul ) 58.clownfish lover (PADI rescue) 59. kschew1498 60. cityofangels (PADI Adv.) 61. keithtty 62. Scubadoll (PADI Rescue) 63. hondaker (PADI Adv.) 64. thanantosis (PADI Rescue) 65. Diablos (PADI) 66.snailmale (NAUI, just certified, only 5 dives) 67. Andylee (PADI Adv, DMT) 68. Yagoyo (PADI, ADV) 69. Rogerboi (PADI) 70. [P]owder Blue (PADI) 71. Perkiezai (PADI newbie) 72. TntR2 (PADI) 73. VBF (PADI DMT for 6 six liao ) 74. Dan (Commercial Diver) 75. johntanjm (NAUI ADV) 76. ahboy (ssi adv) 77. ahbee (ssi adv) 78. EDG (Padi adv) 79.tazperlin (Padi Advance) 80.tijou (Padi Adv.) 81.jeromey (just a simple,humble, PADI basic!) 82. Marinetankguppy (PADI RESCUE ) 83. Spaceman (PADI newbie) 84. markietan (PADI OWSI) any other instructors here?? any reef club bro wanna pick up diving? drop me a pm. special price for u. hahahaha =p
  19. my friend gave me 3 hermit crabs which are disturbing my zoas badly... so they are now living in the betta breeder tank... anyone wants to trade? am looking for any other LS except damsels and clownfish. frags / equipments / test kits also can.
  20. cool. I'm gonna try the mirror trick and see if that rascal stops acting big bully. if that doesn't work i'll rearrange the rockscape... i dun have another tank that i can throw the yellow tang in now so that's not feasible now. after introducing the mirror, how long will the aggressive behavior continue until the yellow tang start to live in peace with the other fishes? it is possible right? since the yellow tang doesn't really disturb the clowns at all. thanks for replying btw!
  21. i recently took over a yellow tang (3") and 2 false clowns from my friend. they were living happily in a 3 feet tank for a month or so and yesterday night i decided to get 2 more fish (2" sailfin and 3" moorish idol). upon introduction of the new inhabitants, the yellow tang started chasing them all around... the yellow tang was chasing the MI all around the tank yesterday night and left the sailfin alone. I thought this morning most prob the MI will up lorry... but this morning when i woke up the yellow tang changed target to the sailfin. both MI and sailfin have tears in their fins now... but they are all still feeding well. fed formula 2 pellets and nori soaked with garlic this morning and both ate quite a bit... so what should i do with the yellow tang? will its aggressive behavior subside? am quite pissed with it man.. also the yellow tang turns pale at night... and even in the day, you can see that the main body is quite pale. it was like that since i inherited it from my friend and my friend said its normal. its also quite a picky eater... seldom eat the pellets, mostly just the garlic nori. any idea how to nurse it so that it'll get its coloration back?
  22. yo.. anyone interested in learning diving can drop me a pm. i do free lance and i'm currently still schooling in nus.. so students definitely get discount from me. haha
  23. i have a pair of clown fish one of them died today, the other one has this whitish film thingy over its eyes and i think abit on the body too. hheellpp... i've been dosing aquapharm cure ich into the tank for the past few days but it didn't help.
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