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Everything posted by hoppinghippos

  1. I"m so sorry... pls try this one... SEAMONKEE MAN MAGNET V2.0 Punch line is good!!
  2. How about I call you mummy, and you give me the LS in your tank?? heh...
  3. My own... starring Seamonkee, AT and bwilly... Seamonkee the Man Magnet
  4. andy: no lah not sumo wrestling lah, MUD wrestling.... it isn't supposed to conjure up visions of big fat sweaty men pit against each other..but but... flubby: how come you got to try out? damn heng! I lend you my PS2 game lah, can fly chopper till you sian!
  5. FWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *KOW TOW*!!!!! ok ok I tot you join for fun only... wah.... now all that remains is for you to learn how to fly helicopters.... but I think on the whole quite sweet lah, you meet as adversaries... then fall in love and marry... hhmmm if I were still single I"ll take up mud wrestling and hope to find my love mud wrestling with girls....
  6. If I use a 150W 10K, what's the best way to add blue to the tank? or is using a blue-er bulb like 14K or 20K better?
  7. flubby: isn't that a bit scandalous since tae kwon do is a contact sport? got male spar with female meh?
  8. pot call kettle black, you also here what.
  9. speaking of SDU, anybody here a member? heard a long time ago that it pays to be a member, cuz the trips overseas are cheap, so just pretend to be single and go for the trips. Seamonkee: at wedding must also play the mermaid movie theme song "Under The Sea".
  10. sigh princess keeps on ignoring me, must be my karma too low.
  11. hahah its "Dummy's guide to marine" or something like that, one of those dummy's guide books.
  12. I can never appreciate wrestling, its just so fake, don't see where's the kick? if you want reall action, watch ultimate fighting championship or something.
  13. honestly, I think blogs are a waste of time, only blogs that get read are those that belong to chio bus, esp when they also put up pics of themselves.
  14. Nah... I think the best way to go is to not have pple write things about you but have you written in many pple's hearts.
  15. seamonkee: Good pt, I agree!!! princess: hahaa you just killed many hopeful guys' dreams lah... btw the book I got from you last time, can sell you back or not?
  16. Tong lah not Thong.... thong is the kinky kind.... I don't mind buying....
  17. heh.... HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just wanna say some reflective words since its the new year and all, after changing from planted tank to marine and finding SRC, I"m glad to be here, really enjoy the "culture" here and I think those reefers I"ve met here are really nice bros! alamak new year liao, all mushy mushy liao... (no pun intended) PS. I know not yet new year, but kiasu, want to be first...
  18. errrrmmmm does this go beyond reefing friendship or interest?? heh... my ba gua antenna shoot up liao! where's our chiobu? princess say a few words lah...
  19. princess...... your avatar.... its..... quite chio!!!!! hahahhaha... nice to see you back! how were your exams?
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