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Everything posted by hoppinghippos

  1. I don't get 3/6, what does the chinese phrase "yellow faced wife" mean? never heard of it before.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.. good one!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA...... really damn amused....
  3. hhmmmm... I don't follow all the taiwanese new boybands and all but from what little I know, if it was S.H.E. you'll get a lot more response!!! Why you don't want to use the tics yourself btw?
  4. bwilly bwilly bwilly, your thread title is all wrong lah.... SIGH..... the CORRECT thread to start is.... "Who are the NON-teekor reefers? Sign in here!!" Cuz when you start thread on "who's who" the idea is to have the MINORITY voice out their presence and NOT the MAJORITY....... now its like instead of "who stay jurong" its "who stay in singpore".....
  5. I"m NUS yr 5.. hahahahah no lah just graduated... MPE.. fuel is it? I never hear of it leh, wat came out of the NTU "invention"?? hhhmmm I came up with this theory last time after gg to NTU a few times before, I think everyone from NTU is damn fit and slim, no fat pple, cuz the sch is full of slopes to walk up and down, plus everything is so far apart.....
  6. killfire: hhmm where do you teach? I just graduated in mech eng myself this yr, could you have once been my prof?
  7. hahahhaha.... principle of conservation of mass!!!! hahahahha.... are you a teacher or engineer or something?? gosh seldom hear that phrase! I "returned" that to the school a long time ago oredi! fwah lau, I very confused liao.... hahahha... really blur!!!
  8. Hi I tested my Ca level using Red Se* test kit and found it to be 500ppm. with no Ca additives and only LR and fish and mushrooms is this a reasonable result? Or is it test kit error?
  9. anybody got mermaid to give away?
  10. hhmmm maybe not grease but I think vaseline is ok? cuz it'll be in small amts and it maybe harmless? donno but got the idea from my eheim cannister which has its O-rings greased and I was adviced to use vaseline to grease it after a long while as maintainance. And hahahahhaa.... ALWAYS BE SAFE..... hahahahahha... USE a silicon-dom...
  11. maxifire: You can try what I did, which is to simply use PVC glue to seal it up, put a generous dollop around the crack, works like magic. You can always test it with water to be safe or attach a pump head to one head and use your thumb to seal off the other end (not completely lah) to pressure test the seal too.
  12. YAY!!! My flow is FINALLY balanced!!! Went to sleep last nite, woke up and found the level to be unchanged!! killfire and Ian: I think the water level in the main tank will only be maintained in the event of evaporation with the water level in the sump dropping only if the overflow in the main tank is such that the water level is exactly at the point where it just spills into the overflow box? but donno if I DIY-ed it wrongly but my overflow box is such that the edge is about 1cm below the water level. So theoretically Inflow = outflow and not inflow= outflow + evaporation? Am I wrong?
  13. Can anyone tell me the requirements of a cuke? Is it enuff to let it sift thru the sand or does it require extra feeding? and just how does it work? It eats detritius and sand and passes out the sand, but what about its waste? what form does it take and won't its waste still dirty the sand? And if it sifts the sand giving the impression of clean sand, won't the detritius just be trapped within the sand and over time build up more and more within the sand?
  14. spidy: cuz your arms tired from cycling lah... no no not the cycling up and downward motion one, I mean bicycling.... you raced home issit? alot of weight on your hands/arms when speeding (esp when leaning forward head down, etc) si boh?
  15. UURRRGGHHHH.... But strangely tho, when his tongue kena sliced, so little blood came out? how come?
  16. hoppinghippos

    Coral Chip

    bob: why dont' you try selling it on freshwater forums? its good in FW tanks (not too much tho) for increasing hardness of water plus biofiltration, used to use a bit of it in my filter last time, great at maintaing Kh at 5-6.
  17. Calciumreef: I really really don't advise you to DIY your own IOS, cuz unless you are very very skilled at using silicon, it'll be very messy and make your tank value go down rather than up cuz I DIY-ed some stuff myself using silicon and its almost impossible to make it look as neat as a commercial silicon seal. Plus not everyone wants acrylic, some might prefer glass, some might also prefer their own different style of partitions, etc, so best is to sell the tank as it is and let pple DIY themselves.
  18. ridemtb: yeah where is this shop? Is it the one opp the fruit shop? near the post office but behind behind one? fuel: I saw the boxer crabs too, damn cute, what are its requirements btw? bwilly: you and PSB ar-ka-liao issit? got discount boh?
  19. errmmm can you post a bigger pic with better resolution of your 4X mermaids?? errmm.. cuz I need it for... for ... mermaid research.... purely scientific and all that....
  20. Anthony: I disagree with you, I think O-rings are def ok with saltwater, even if its rubber and not neoprene I don't see how salt water can act on rubber to spoil it? All the pumpheads use an O-ring inside which can be seen when you take it apart to clean, plus all diving gears like torches, camera casings all use O-rings. I think one thing about O-rings is that you need a little bit of pressure on them to ensure good sealing, so must screw tightly errr no connotations intended. plus I think a little bit of grease (those used in greasing diving O-rings) or vaseline goes a long way in ensuring good seals plus long life of the O-ring. One thing to note about silicone, its not reliable as a sealant if used on PLASTICS, after you glue it on any plastic, and after it dries totally, you can easily peel it off!!!! Check out the silcone glue package, it most prob will say its good for lots of materials except plastic!!
  21. Hi all thanx for your advice! I"ve finally managed to get the flow balanced, but yeah Ian is right, after several hours the water level still changes, so I really don't know how to to up water due to evaporation just by observing drawn water level marks on the tank! sigh.... guess its back to check S.G. and topping up and checking S.G. again. Sorry to be such a pain in the behind but can you guys help me with another prob? I"ve read in some threads here that using a sump, one can know how much water to top up for evaporation loss cuz the water level changes IN the sump while the main tank's water level is CONSTANT. But after thinking about it, I figured that can't be cuz inflow and outflow from the main tank is constant, so any water loss due to evaporation occuring in the main tank WILL lower the water level in the main tank? So I just need to mark off the present level and top up whenever it drops?
  22. I do have an overflow, I"m not worried about water draining out of my tank into sump, but worried about water draining out of my sump into my tank and either overflowing my main tank or making my sump pump run with no water spoiling it, so anyone have any idea how to balance the flow? Or is manual adjustment of the return output (using ball valve) the only way?
  23. HAHAHAHAHA I like the last one best!!!
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