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Everything posted by hoppinghippos

  1. Alamak nobody interested? ok I sell at $150 o.n.o. anyone interested?
  2. I know the sellers of the notebooks actually!
  3. I could tell you, but then I"d have to kill you...
  4. wah benz, then next time we all go farming tog and you intro us to her lah!
  5. looks like a box fish maybe?
  6. rear view, err the lobang for the fan not very perfect I must admit but hey it still works and fan is neatly screwed on.
  7. overall pic : can see 2 PL housings with wires that go neatly into housing (black box) and the 2 wires leaving the box to be plugged into the mains.
  8. Trying to post pics now.... meanwhile, I"m not sure how to price my stuff since its DIY so shall adopt bidding system instead, price starts at $150, closes on sun 2359, RP at $180. thanx!!
  9. Selling my PL set cuz upgraded to MH. It consists of 2 PL housing containing 2X36W PL each. one housing contains 2X10K lights and the other 2X blue. comes with a casing containing the Eballasts and a fan for cooling the ballasts. the casing also has an input jack for any normal AC adaptor to plug in to. and 2 outlet jacks to DIY any fans or nite lights to plug in to. the 2 outlet jacks have their own on/off buttons.
  10. which one is the nipple? the round bulb or the smaller bulb on the other side? and nipple supposed to point away from tank surface upwards issit?
  11. spidy, ok so now your excuse is you had no choice? you HAD to keep to your lane, exit coming up etc, taxi refused to back off, etc, so you had NO choice but to brake to let him bang you? donno where you learnt driving from but hey whatever pleases you. but one thing tho, you could have simply changed lane and let him pass, after all you had a long long time to do so as you have so narrated, no need to wait till your exit comes up. incidentally tho, nothing to do with you spidy but I think one way we could counter such pple is to simply take the foot off the pedal and let the car slow down gradually by itself, so there'll be enuff time for the driver behind to react, and we could just let it slow down all the way to as much as we want, even to say <20KPH or something, and let the fella behind stew for a long time before speeding up and driving off, if he tailgates again, just repeat. after a while he'll tire of tailgating. this could be safer then playing with brake lights cuz sometimes even when we mean to merely tap the brakes, we may accidentally brake harder then intended causing accidents. another way is to change lane, let the guy overtake, then get behind him, maintain safe distance and let your lights high beam into his eyes all the way. bit more dangerous, now you have to be careful to his jamming of brakes. And I think its unneccessary to insult/curse me in any way. anyhow I"m not interested in insulting you back. I may be spineless but at least I"m still alive. And I agree with the rest, whatever's to be said has been said, so 'nuff said.
  12. me too!! dr evil, pls bring the MH housing hor, thanx!
  13. spidey, my objective view is that you are a dangerous driver who treats his car as an extension of his ego. just how far are you willing to go? do you have any control over yourself? if you can't even control your own emotions how do you expect to control a car? 2 wrongs don't make a right. just cuz the cabbie is a piece of shit (everyone inclu. me prob has tons of shitty cabbie stories), doesn't warrant what you did. do you know just how damn dangerous a car can be? do you know how easy it is to get serious injuries or be killed by a car? do you know how fast 90KPH is? in the car, as a driver, 90KPH is peanuts, the world moves quickly by, ho hum, but multiply this speed with the mass of the car, do you know just how much momentum the car carries? a car out of control at 90KPH is one big bloody bullet, primed to kill, easily, mercilessly. all it takes is a slight tap in a certain angle to make you fish tail or something and hey, all your anger's gone in a hurry. I can't believe you braked, had an accident major enuff to damage your boots not just your bumper, and still have anger left to let out on this forum! and I can't believe there are forumers who condone this! I"ve been driving every single day for the last 4 1/2 years and I"ve had my fair share of lousy drivers, but everytime I get an accident (not many at all thankfully) I always leave the scene with quaking hands, why, cuz I get reminded everytime just how fragile we are encased in a metal death cage that we take for granted is indestructible. it doesn't matter who's fault it is, it doesn't matter how pitiful the taxi driver's situation at home, whatever excuses he may have. the pt still remains: you CAN"T use your car as a weapon to vent your anger and boost your ego. there's a fine line btwn showing displeasure thru things like flashing your lights, slowing down like crazy, drawing alongside and staring damn hard at him, etc (which i do alot) and things like braking deliberately to CAUSE an accident, esp at 90 KPH. does that make you feel better? now you're da man? you showed him who's boss? all the time forking out $$ from your own pocket for repairs and elevated insurance costs? its hard to see from my pt of view who's really the loser. needless to say, you're prob gg to come up with some "Who cares, I"ll kill the bugger, he asked for it anyway, hey I"m just a 19 yr old driver, etc etc" self justifying crap that you've been saying so far in response to the rest, so all this is wasted on you, but at the very least, the next time you wanna pull a stunt like this, think of the consequences when it spins out of control. esp since you had your own personal experience with your dad being injured, shouldn't you know by now just how deadly a car can be? how would you feel if the driver who knocked down your dad was unrepentant and took pleasure in knocking him down thinking your dad had earlier on swerved into his path, road hogged, etc etc? what if he tot hey that bugger got his just desserts, too bad it was only slight injuries, if he had a chance again, he'll.... etc etc? As ugly as all these sound, that's exactly what you did to the taxi driver. not only did you cause the accident, but here you are, cursing him and his family. well hey congrats, I"m impressed.
  14. I have 2 Eballast, the kind from SLT, bought a long time ago to DIY, but later DIY-ed MH instead so unused and lying around, I also bought 4X T5 holders, the normal kind from SLT. anyone want to get the lot? pls PM me!
  15. tt's true, I also dowan to win your ######.... ay jio ngaoci also lah,
  16. wah lau eh, buay steady lah.... ok nevermind bwilly, you organise next week, I confirm onz!!
  17. I saw steph pics in 8 days once, some bikini shoot with fiona xie(I think can't rem) anyhow steph is a bit airport.
  18. A Mother is driving her little girl to her friends house for a play date. "Mommy," the little girl asks, "How old are you?" "Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age," the mother warns. "It is not polite." "Ok," the little girl says, "How much do you weigh?" "Now really," the mother says, "these are personal questions and are really none of your business." Undaunted, the little girl asks, "Why did you and daddy get a divorce?" "That is enough questions, honestly!" The exasperated mother walks away as the two friends begin to play. "My Mom wouldn't tell me anything," the little girl says to her friend. "Well," said the friend, " ... all you need to do is look at her drivers license. It is like a report card, it has everything on it." Later that night the little girl says to her mother, "I know how old you are, you are 32." The mother is surprised and asks, "How did you f ind that out?" "I also know that you weigh 140 pounds." The mother is past surprise and shock now. "How in heavens name did you find that out?" "Annnnd," the little girl says triumphantly, "I know why you and daddy got a divorce." Oh really?" the mother asks. "Why?" "Because you got an F in ######."
  19. Wah everyone so nice!!!! no flames so far!!!!
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