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Everything posted by DeepBlue

  1. They only bring in soft corals....no hard corals....so U only get to see mushrooms leathers seafans anemones polyps .............................. hmm ...wonder they will bring in great looking yumas and ricordeas...................dream..dream......
  2. this is just a normal clarks clown....if you wan similar ones..but seldom get here version...go to ML in hong Leong...their sri lanka shipment came in with lots o beautiful ones....big ones also not more than 10 bucks... by the way....wat's a queen trigger clown????? Trigger Queen - my wife ID Queen trigger fish - a kind of trigger Maroon clown????
  3. Thanks. ...now to start planning......I heard nano tank need a lot of water change weekly..true???
  4. Guess what I found in a LFS...a big rock for just $10 with more than 10 frags of these....cool
  5. Woon Ming, have U seen LCK's latest shipment of YUMA? Here's a pic....about diameter of 2 inches or more...cool
  6. YA...went there once too early....wasn't open.....but there's always PR and re***** and Harleq*** to go to before that
  7. hey!...the one at the back.....that will be the cost for consultattion...yum yum......I have been looking for the green one for quite a while... the luminous green ... btw...they are all bubbles....the 2 infront has tat line I mentioned...cats eye one...actually it is a common name...I was reading up...there was no special mention on the line, just colour variation....
  8. Bro....I employ this guy... no seriously...I think woon ming mentioned it before, put the mushroom near another rock..they will migrate..when the small ones start growing....need space mah....
  9. then he is right...the diff is just the line in the centre...basically a colour variation.... but cats eye corals looks like a mini...er prata...(I mean looks like...from far....keke....)
  10. if I am not wrong, he asked for cats eye coral....not cats eye bubble check out eric borneman's aquarium corals...
  11. Bubble corals (Plerogyra) The common ones you see at LFS....
  12. cats eye coral (cynarina lacrymalis) - a lone polyp with a single corallite. One of the largest single-polyped corals in nature. Circular or oval attached pic shows a cats eye...
  13. Me? I have not read many...but I love the aquaium corals by eric borneman...a good read and lots of beautiful pics.... starting..out? must get Conscientous Aquarist (Aquarists' Bible)....very good book as well... (note : MY OPINION ONLY)
  14. Bro, bwilly just gone for few hours..miss him oledi?
  15. value for money..check out amazon.com...their combi package are good...................regretted spending those precious $$$$$ at kinokuniya
  16. only side effect? dark tan fishes.........????
  17. bro...go to paint....click on image and drop down bar : stretch/skew...go for 30% or 40%...should do the trick..remember to change attributes of the horizontal and vertical column
  18. Like to thank everyone for the interest. Found new home for the fishes. Closing this thread.......
  19. http://www.sunbelt-software.com/stu/eye.htm pretty cool......
  20. I saw your setup at another forum site. I thought the setup was amazing....thinking of setting a small nano tank .... 1)Just wan to find out the total cost for this. W/o corals and LR..... 2) May I know what equipments you used...saw the skimmer at the back of the tank...U managed to fit it in well...
  21. I have the same problem.....so I normally try to get a snap shot once the fishes slow down or come to still (they have to rest....even my sohal tang will stop at times) ....I hope experts can enlighten us.....not sure what camera you are using..mine is a IXUS 330 CANON. Alternatively....get a squirt bottle......squirt them with cynide and they will be dazed and still...keke........
  22. ya...did quite a bit of reading (not extensive yet) but never the same when we look at the real thing....books dun show the different stages in which an acro recovers.... I guess...its alright...I'll go do my own research...thanks anyway
  23. Love the blue ones....wow..... here my red ones
  24. Update: Selling some stuff off to clear space, hope price is good...enough.. I am letting go 1) my 3 pratas - $15 each (white green one sold) 2 browns with orange sparkling lining left.... 2)a green tip mushroom frag (on rock) ($5) 3) 2 green tip mushrooms on branch ($5) 4)Pink yumas on rock ($12) - reserved actually, have red mushrooms and other stuffs to clear... can ask me when U come viewing lah... will post some pics to show the stuffs I am letting go.. interested ..pm me
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